1 Chronicles 1:1-27 Adam To Abram

We are stepping back in history and following the lineage of man. It is NOT all inclusive. Some detail creeps in at Noah and blossoms from there.
If you have been with me any length of time you know that genealogy is not my strong suit or my passion. I know God has His reasons for including it where and how often He does. And the Holy Spirit has been faithful to show me something of interest EVERY TIME I encounter it. So let’s see where He takes us today. Oh, by the way, welcome to a new book; 1st Chronicles.
Looking back at this genealogy there are MANY nations we see arising. The descendants of Ham surround Israel and make up most of her enemies. Egypt, Casluhim (who is the beginning of the Philistines), Sidon, Jebusites, Amorites, Girgashites, and Hivites. These are all familiar names in Israel’s history. I wonder how far away the rest of this branch scattered.
I noticed that a few times a single name was picked out for special recognition. The first is Nimrod. He is not listed in the sons of Cush but is later named as his father. Nimrod is called the “first on earth to be a mighty man” (verse 10). I wonder why this distinction. What did he do that earned him this title? Was this the first war and he was the first warrior? Was his ‘might’ tested against another human or an animal? Was this title due to his size? What set him apart?
The second special name is included in the list I provided earlier; Casluhim. His distinction is in being the father of the Philistine people. I’m curious why they didn’t take on his name as the Egyptians and Amorites did. Maybe they didn’t see him as the father of their nation. Maybe there was a son later on in this line that supplied his name for the nation.
The third special name I noticed is Peleg. Eber’s two sons are separated by the caveat given to Peleg; “for in his days the earth was divided” (verse 19b). I’m certain there were other men from all three branches of the new human race that were alive when the ‘earth was divided’ but only he is given special mention. I was wondering if he was the one who was in charge of building the Tower of Babel but our bible doesn’t say so. There must have been some reason for the Holy Spirit to give special attention to his name. But we aren’t told what it is beyond the dividing of the people.
Father God, You take special notice of people for Your own reasons. You notice even ME! I’m sure I don’t deserve a footnote or caveat listed in history. I’ll take whatever mention You want for my life. I’m glad to be a part of Your family! That’s good enough for me.