Zechariah 11:1-17 BAD Shepherds

Israel will have some very BAD shepherds in their future. The one Shepherd that is a good shepherd will be rejected and the covenant will break.
Before we go any further, I AM NOT A BIBLE SCHOLAR. All I can offer you is what I receive while studying God’s word. After reading my bible helps, I still don’t have a clear picture of all the symbolism shown here as those who are bible scholars disagree on this passage. What I will say for certain is that some of this symbolism is definitely Jesus. With that said, let’s see where the Holy Spirit takes us today.
When Israel (Judah) returned from exile, they gave it their best to return to God’s commandments and follow His Laws. At least for a time. The never again went for idolatry on a whole nation scale, but they began to pervert His Laws to suit their desires.
The people would go through MANY ‘shepherds’ along the way. They would be ruled by other nations, rebel against their ‘leaders’ and be conquered by even more nations. Their ‘shepherds’ were bending to whatever power ruled at the moment.
By the time Jesus began His ministry on earth, they were using God’s Law (with their additions and interpretations) like a club to control the people. The ‘shepherds’ were still bending God’s word to fit whatever their current ruling body prescribed, just so they could keep their positions. They cared more about what they could get from ‘their flock’ than the needs of the flock itself.
I see Jesus as the one Shepherd described as carrying the two staves. He gathered a small ‘flock’ of followers that, even some of them, began to hate Him and desert Him along the way. The ‘official shepherds’ of the whole ‘flock’ hated Him because He threatened their way of doing things. If Jesus kept going and gaining popularity, they would be out of a job! They could no longer feed on the ‘fattest sheep’. So, they convinced one of their own to sell Him into their hands.
Jesus COULD have stopped Judas from betraying Him. He had the power to knock over ALL the leadership, IF He wanted to. But He KNEW the work that had to be completed and the steps to that culminating moment. I would say that He ‘called for His wages’ when Judas went to the rulers of the people. And by Judas’ own hand, He threw those wages back at them. The 30 pieces of silver, the throwing it back in the Temple, and the purchase of the potter’s field are EXACTLY as God said it would be.
When Israel rejected Jesus, HATED Him, He ‘broke’ the staff of “Favor” that was exclusive to them. His favor rests with ALL who call Him Lord of their life. Access to Him is open now to Jew and Gentile alike. Remember the gentile woman who asked Him to heal her child? He told her that He was sent to the Jews first. She said that even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from the children’s table. Now, even the gentiles are welcome at the Master’s table.
The other staff in the rejected Shepherd’s hand, “Union”, speaks of the fact that the ‘Lost Tribes’ of Israel won’t be ‘found’ until just before the Good Shepherd’s return. Try as they might, Israel is more Judah than anything else. Only those from the tribes of Judah returned. The tribes of Israel were absorbed into the fabric of the nations wherever they happened to be. They won’t desire to separate themselves until just before the True Shepherd returns. When Jesus rules on this earth, it will be over a reunified Israel. ALL the people will be represented. The minimum number in that nation will be 144,000. With the population of the earth in the BILLIONS, that doesn’t sound like that large of a number. But the Tribulation will reduce that number significantly. The war ending the Tribulation will put another serious dent in that number. Who, but God, knows how many people will actually be here on earth and how those ‘nations’ will stack up population wise.
God speaks of a BAD shepherd who will be brought to power before the end. To me, that is speaking of the Antichrist. Woe to this shepherd, for his fate is already written. An arm and an eye are the least of his worries! This could also be speaking of those of Israel who throw in their hat with the Antichrist. They will be depending on him to bring them stability and the rebuilding of God’s Temple. This will be a BAD union and will result in the Antichrist actually sitting in God’s seat in the last Temple.
That is what I gathered from our text today. Our GOOD Shepherd will watch over His flock. The bad and worthless shepherds will NOT be able to snatch ANYONE from His hand. If the Spirit reveals something else to you in this passage, I would LOVE to hear it! I am ALWAYS open to learning from God’s word.
Father God, thank You for sending my Good Shepherd. The one in the story was ‘foolish’ for letting the people treat him as they did. But Jesus KNEW that these things had to be to purchase salvation for me. You use the foolish things to confound the wise. THANK YOU that this is not the end of the story for the Shepherd. I believe You have that ‘victory dance’ waiting for me tomorrow.