Welcome to my page “If I had walked with Jesus”

First off, let me assure you that I am NO expert in the Religious field of study. I am an ordinary individual just like you, who is taking this opportunity to share bible study time with you. I like to go slow and imagine myself in that time and wonder what else was going on around what we read. I ask OODLES of questions and most of them won’t be answered here on earth.
Over the years I have had many ups and downs in my walk with Jesus, but I have never wandered so far away that I couldn’t hear him in the background calling to me. My heart grieves for those who have, but that is not my story. During my walk, especially in the down times, I have come to rely on journaling. It started with simply putting down my thoughts, pain in particular, and letting them lead me where they would. That process brought me a little peace but not nearly as much as I craved. When I finally invited my bible, and my Lord, into my journal time I began receiving more of the peace I was so desperately seeking. Is everything peaceful and perfect for me now? Not hardly!!
I tried approaching the scriptures through the typical bible study methods (i.e. topical studies, in depth analysis) but always felt lost or unqualified. It wasn’t until I simply read a short passage and wrote about what I had read, while placing myself in that picture, that I felt connected to God’s word. I would imagine what the people around the character were doing, or come up with a question I knew someone must have been thinking at the time. Often these questions lead me to inspiration or insight into my own life. Frequently I felt like my pen/pencil took on a life of its own as the answers or insight flowed out of it. These times I attribute directly to God and have come to recognize Him speaking into my life by me being open and willing with pen and paper ready.
I have learned so much in this open process. I want to share some of it with you. I want to do this in a couple of ways. First, I want to invite you to walk with me as I slowly look at the scriptures again. I’ve gone through the bible reading and writing before and thought about just posting my past journal writings but felt it would be so much more profitable for us all to simply start again, in Matthew, and go through it this time with you. Secondly, I have compiled several of my previous poems and reflections into a book that I self-published for my family one Christmas. If this site allows, I want to make it available for you to view too. If you feel inspired or touched by something you read, feel free to print that page and/or repost it. All I ask is that you give me and God credit for it, as we together authored it. I will probably add more poetry or stories to this group at some time in our journey.
I am ALWAYS open to your views, questions, and/or opinions on what I post and welcome comments. I trust this will be a journey unlike any before. I also trust that God will guide our steps as we walk in Jesus footsteps.