Song of Songs 8:8-14 Patients

The chorus is speaking about a young woman who is not yet betrothed. Have patients and guard her purity until the time comes.
I had to turn to my bible helps again for this section. I can figure out the young girl not being developed yet but I didn’t understand the reference to the “wall” or the “door.” My helps tells me that the wall represents a firm guard against the outside; purity, or virginity. The door represents opening to invitations; promiscuity. Our bride reports that she was a wall, even when she was fully developed.
She held that line, not lending out her “vineyard” for others to take advantage of. She waited for the one who would take her to be his own; her husband, her beloved. No matter how provocative their speech was, she kept her walls in place until her wedding. Then she freely invited her husband to enjoy her “mountains of spices.”
In our world today it is rare to find a couple who wait to indulge the flesh until the wedding night. I will admit to being one of those who didn’t and I regret it to this day. This world would call me a “prude” or a fool for this. Most of our world treats sexual relations as casually as possible. “Friends with benefits” or “one night stands”, even “open marriages” flood our cultures. And forget about “till death do us part” for divorce is rampant. Some don’t worry about divorce because they never get married in the first place; just live together. Ending that kind of relationship is as simple as boxing up your belongings.
But sexual relationships aren’t meant to be superficial, interchangeable, or disposable. It is one man giving himself fully to one woman and vice versa. These two become ONE for MORE than a moment. Their hearts are like two vines that intertwine until the one cannot be separated from the other without severe damage to the other. Together the two are strong; separated they are vulnerable.
Another point here is that NOT anyone will do. Be discerning. Look for the one who will complete you and whom you will complete. Take time to know the person, faults and all. Is this someone you can see yourself with for the rest of your life? If not, keep your “wall” in place.
Looking at this lesson through a spiritual lense, being “a door” would mean you would willingly seek out entanglements with other gods. We are His bride, waiting for our marriage supper. Remain true to Him alone. Diligently guard your heart against the voices of ‘others’ who would try and woo you away. Be patient for His return. He IS coming for His bride! I cannot imagine the wonders that wait for me when I’m finally in His arms! I KNOW it will be worth the wait.
Lord Jesus, I LOVE You! I want to walk with You in the garden. To sit and listen to Your stories. To ask You a million questions and have You laugh at the silly ones. To hear You say my name and tell me how You waited for me to find You. To stand beside You as You bring me before Your Father in person for the first time! To see the home You have crafted just for me; the one YOU designed with me in mind. NO other god will do. ONLY YOU! Keep my heart centered on You at ALL times.