Psalm 70:1-5 Hurry Please

David is in a desperate place. His prayer is for URGENT relief. “Hurry PLEASE!” rings from his lips. He knows that God is his only help.
I can certainly identify with David’s request for God to hurry, quickly. I have had my share of “Please Hurry” moments. I wonder what sparked this plea from David. I have a feeling it was before he was made king for he says he is “poor and needy” (verse 5a). But this could be a spiritual lack instead of a physical one. If it is a spiritual need then his urgent request could have come from anytime in his life including when he had Solomon crowned king.
David’s first cry is for God to help him with those who would like to see him dead. Because David was a man of war, this could have been his prayer MANY times over! How many times had he stood on the battlefield praying for help against the enemies of God? He could have been silently praying this when captured by the king’s men in Gath. He could have prayed this while hiding in the cave from Saul.
Wherever he was and whatever he was troubled by, he KNEW where to go for help. He felt unworthy to make the request but he made it nonetheless. He wasn’t counting on his own righteousness to motivate God to move on his behalf. He was counting on God’s love to save him; God’s mercy.
No matter what his current situation, David knew that God helps those who seek Him with their whole heart; those who love His salvation. This certainly describes David’s life. He sought God in nearly all of his life. He had times of sin but he repented of these and came again to the Lord. And even though David qualifies himself as “poor and needy” I believe he expected God to answer his prayer for haste.
I wonder if David’s need was urgent or if he was just tired of waiting. I have asked God to “wind His watch” more than once. These “prayers” weren’t always from a place that needed urgency. They were more of an “is it time yet” kind of prayer where I was tired of waiting. I know He answers those kinds of prayers too. I have a feeling David knew the difference between a “911” kind of prayer and one that simply asks that He get things moving faster. God answers BOTH prayers. Sometimes the answer includes a bit of work on patience. The answer to the “911” prayers can include lessons in patience, lessons in what is really an emergency, lessons on reframing, and comfort for a hurting soul. I have found that the answer to the “911” prayer always includes peace for pain. His answer builds our faith and keep me coming to Him for more.
Father God, thank You that You answer ALL kinds of prayers. Long formal prayers, “HELP” prayers, and every kind in between. You may not always answer them as quickly as I want but Your timing is ALWAYS perfect. Thank You for building my faith in You and Your faithfulness in answering my prayers. Thank You for being my source.