Psalm 52:1-9 Trust In…

David is again our writer. He sings of the importance of what we put our trust in. Do we trust in ourselves or in God? Only ONE brings victory.
This song was written during a painful time. Doeg the Edomite had told Saul that he saw David when he went for help from the priests at the Tabernacle in Nob. Saul, in his tortured state of mind lashed out and called for the death of the high priests because he helped David. Saul’s own men refused this order but Doeg gladly took on the task. The entire town fell at his sword, save one lone priest.
I believe this psalm applies equally to Doeg and Saul. Both are putting their trust in their own might and ability. Both are speaking poisonous words against the plans of God and His anointed. BOTH will be brought down; in God’s time. I believe this is the last time we hear of Doeg. Jewish legends follow him farther but there is no biblical evidence for this.
Doeg was out for himself and ran right to Saul. He knew Saul’s obsession and was going to cash in on it. I saw one place on line where someone called Doeg “A man after Saul’s own heart.” Sounds pretty accurate to me.
Saul was also out for himself and his family. He was determined that the throne stay in his family instead of going to David. If he could only kill David everything would go his way. Or so he believed. Both men trusted in themselves for their futures and BOTH would be disappointed.
David trusted in the Lord. He knew where his hope lay. He was VERY hurt by the news of what had happened but also knew there was nothing he could do about it. He had to leave it in the hands of the Lord. Revenge or retribution was not something he was in a position or willing to enact on those two. Instead, he offered safe haven for the one who survived the massacre. And he trusted God settle the accounts.
I wonder exactly what punishment God laid at the feet of Doeg and Saul for their actions that day. I’m pretty sure that neither will be in Heaven to ask. Does Satan layer on punishments in Hell? We are told that in Heaven there will be rewards. So it makes sense that the opposite is true in Hell. I wonder what waited for these two men. I wonder what waited for Hitler and King Hared. NOT a list I want to have first-hand knowledge of. That’s a question I might just skip over instead of visiting it on my special bench.
I will sing with David. “I trust in the steadfast love of God forever and ever. I will thank You forever, because You have done it. I will wait for you nave, for it is good, in the presence of the godly” (verses 8b-9). I leave it all in HIS hands.
Thank You Father that I can trust You. You hold all time in Your hands and bring about Your right judgment in YOUR time. YOU know the penalty and the cost. It is NOT in my hands to render judgment. Even when I feel I know the story, there is always more that I don’t see. There are the hearts that only You can see.
Help me keep my heart right. Empty of judgments against others. Give me Your discernment in how to avoid falling in with people who have wrong motives. Wise as serpents but gentle as doves.