Psalm 41:1-13 Be Gracious

David is telling of God’s blessings for those who are gracious to others. He is also asking God to help him with those who are UNgracious to him at the moment.
So what does being “gracious” mean? defines gracious this way:
pleasantly kind, benevolent, and courteous.
characterized by good taste, comfort, ease, or luxury: gracious suburban living; a gracious home.
indulgent or beneficent in a pleasantly condescending way, especially to inferiors.
merciful or compassionate: our gracious king. also includes being forgiving and merciful as definitions for gracious. These are ALL wonderful characteristics to have towards others. David especially calls for them for the poor. David also tells of how God takes extra special care of those who make a practice of being graceful.
Being gracious isn’t a ‘one time event’. It is a daily attitude towards others; especially those in need. It is also not being a ‘door mat’ and letting people walk all over you. A gracious heart cares for people who are unable to care for themselves. It also helps those who are struggling to get to the place where they can care for themselves. And it holds those who refuse to care for themselves to task.
God’s greatest gift to us is grace. It was because of His love for us that He made a way for us to receive that grace. But He holds the line on ONE condition for it; believing in His Son and the work He did for us on the cross. God will meet us WHEREVER we are and help us with that one condition but we have to be willing to consider His gift to us first. Once we do, His grace is nothing short of AMAZING!
He holds me safe in His arms. He hears me when I cry. He posts my pictures on His refrigerator. He champions me in my climb to my dreams. He believes in me. He also disciplines me when I am in need of correction. And He encourages me when I am struggling.
I try VERY hard to model these attitudes of graciousness in my life. I DON’T always get it right. I get exasperated and frustrated when I’m interrupted “too often”. Sometimes that “too often” can even be once or twice if I’m doing something really absorbing. I’m working on that attitude. I find it so much easier to be gracious when I see a person in desperate need. I want to rush in and rescue them as much as I can.
Lord Jesus, help me learn to be gracious like You. You put aside Your needs to tend to the needs of people. You cared for the sick and poor. You taught Your disciples how to care for others too. And You held the religious leaders to task for their attitudes. BUT You loved them ALL. No matter how they treated You, You still loved them and gave Your life for them. I KNOW this to be true because You forgave them as they hung You on the cross. There is NO GREATER demonstration of grace than that. Help me show even a tiny portion of that grace to those around me. Help me be more like You every day.
I’m sorry that I didn’t look at David’s trial with the ungracious people. I have bee distracted as I am busy practicing extra grace today with a sick family member. I find it interesting and loving how God seems to bring just the right message at just the right time. This one was for me today.