Psalm 33:1-22 Steadfast Love

David calls to all to praise the Lord. The steadfast love of the Lord is our hope and David praises Him for that hope.
I LOVE the call to music and the instruments mentioned in this psalm. One thing I like is that the people who are praising God don’t have to be the best singers. All they have to do is lend their voice in a “shout for joy in the Lord” (verse 1a). The instruments being played will carry the tune and lead the worshipers into song. And they follow the music with their hearts and praise the Lord.
God’s steadfast love is the glue that holds everything together. It was His love that prompted Him to say “Let there be..” It is His love that breathed the breath of life into Adam’s nostrils. God’s love is what urged Him to promise a Savior after Adam and Eve’s sin. His steadfast love prompted him to save one family to start again. The steadfast love of God wrapped Abraham in protection as he learned to trust God with his whole heart. God’s steadfast love protected and blessed Jacob while he was serving his uncle and brought him safely back to the land of promise. The steadfast love of God prepared a place of safety for the beginning nation of Israel during the famine. His steadfast love watched over the people of Israel while under the rule of Egypt and brought them out at just the right time. God’s love crafted the perfect deliverer for this new nation. His steadfast love continued, even though strained to near breaking, as He led the people in the wilderness. The fact that He didn’t wipe the slate clean and start over is PROOF of His steadfast love. God’s steadfast love guided the judges of His new nation and instructed them in choosing a king. His steadfast love even endured when the nation was split in two. The majority of the tribes turned away from Him but He NEVER forgot them. The epitome of His steadfast love was on display as He sent His only Son to be our Savior. It is His steadfast love that endures with our nations calling good evil and evil good. And it is His steadfast love that WILL send His Son once again to earth to complete His work.
That was just an abbreviated list of the wonders He has worked in our world because of His steadfast love for us. Bottom line: HE DOESN’T GIVE UP ON US! No matter how obstinate we are, no matter how ungrateful we become, no matter how far we try and push Him, He keeps right on loving us. NOT because we deserve it but because He LOVES us. And because He loves us His plans WILL be fulfilled.
Honored are we who love Him in return! “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord” (verse 12a). How I wish a WHOLE nation would turn to Him today. That they would embrace ALL His redemptive work and honor with their whole hearts His Son. There WILL be a day that this is a reality but there is a LOT more evil to go through before we get there.
‘My soul waits for the Lord; He is my help and my shield. For my heart is glad in Him, because I trust in His holy name. Let Your steadfast love, O Lord, be upon me, even as I hope in You’ (verses 20-22 personalized).
Father God let this be my daily prayer and affirmation. Your steadfast love is enough to carry me through whatever lies ahead in my life. It is also enough to care for the lives of my children and grandchildren. I trust You because I KNOW You love them even more than I do. And You have plans that I can’t even fathom!