Psalm 24:1-10 King of Glory

David sings of the Creator of ALL the universe. The King of Glory to whom ALL things belong. To Him who reigns forever!
This world is on loan. God created it and owns it, lock stock and barrel. But He doesn’t exercise that control at all times. He gave control of it over to man, who then handed it to Satan. He NEVER gave up ownership though.
When I was thinking about the first few verses of this psalm two things kept coming to mind. They are actually inextricably linked and constitute one full idea. Those two things are the parable of Jesus about the landowner who wasn’t receiving his due from his tenants and the rights of a landlord in today’s society.
The parable Jesus told about the landlord and the wicked tenants had them attempting to take the land for themselves. They did everything they could to hold onto everything they had produced. “We did the work, WE keep the rewards!” They were adamant about this and even went so far as to kill ANYONE who came against them. They eventually even killed the son. We know that this parable was essentially about the Jews rejecting Jesus and God opening up the way for the Gentiles to come to Him. But it is also relevant to David’s psalm. The Lord of Glory is the TRUE owner of ALL.
With regard to ‘landlord rights’ I mentioned earlier, here is what came to my mind. When an owner consents to rent out his property he grants the tenant certain rights. These rights have defined boundaries. The tenant cannot sell the property to another or alter it without the landlord’s permission. Some properties allow for sub-leasing which allows the tenant to ACT as a pseudo owner and grant use permissions to another. This does not change who actually owns the property. Nor does it abolish the original conditions set forth by the landowner.
Two rights that a landlord has are the right to inspection and the right of eviction. With reasonable notice the landowner can come into the residence and inspect it. During this inspection he can see if his property is being used or abused. He can see if the conditions of the lease are being adhered to. Which brings us to the other right mentioned; the right of eviction. If any portion of the lease is broken, including payment of rent, the landlord has the right to demand his property back and the tenant set out on his ear. It is usually a process and takes a while but it IS the landlord’s right to do this.
David tells us that the whole world is the Lord’s and EVERYTHING in it, including man. Of this I have no doubt! God did NOT give up His ownership rights when He gave man the command to rule over His creation. Man then gave over the right of tenant to Satan through sin. Don’t for one moment think that God threw His hands up and let Satan have it all. God is keeping close watch on His ‘property’ and will redeem it ALL when the time is right.
For those of us who have ‘kicked out the sub-letter’ and turned our lives back to the Master, He is already redeeming us. Making us into the people He designed us to be. For those who choose to hold fast to their delusion that THEY are the owners of their own future, He WILL show them the truth in the end. And the fact that they have spoiled His creation will result in Him ultimately destroying it. He will in fact let them hang with their ‘sub-letter’ in his final home. “You broke it, you bought it.”
For our world, He is protecting it and preserving it until HE is finally ready to replace it. Yes, there are MANY things that are breaking down but it won’t fail until He is ready for it to. In David’s time, He set aside a special place to honor His name. David tells of the kind of men God welcomed to enter that place. Those who seek Him were welcome. That holy place has been converted to a place in the hearts of men instead. Those who were charged to care for it initially failed and it became spoiled too. But it lasted in that state until His plan was accomplished that allowed for man to meet with God in his heart in any location on earth.
But there will be a day when God reclaims that holy place. David looks forward to that day. That will be the day Jesus returns to rule on earth. On that day, ALL those who have chosen the Lord will sing together; “Lift up your heads, O gates! And be lifted up, O ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in. Who is this King of glory? The Lord, strong and mighty, the Lord, mighty in battle! Lift up your heads, O gates! And lift them up, O ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in. Who is this King of glory? The Lord of hosts, He is the King of glory!” (verses 7-10).
He will come in with victory over the enemy and all those who follow him. NONE will stand before him to oppose Him. And all those who have chosen to follow Him will stand with Him in glory! What a day that will be!!!
When the time is right, God will create a new Heaven and earth that will not be spoiled. Does He create it out of the old or build new? I don’t have that answer. What I do know is that it will be where we remain with Him forever! My ‘bench time’ place will be just one of the many special places He creates. I wonder what kind of flowers He will plant there. I close my eyes and breathe in the scents that wait for me. My physical nose can’t smell them but my spirit sure can! I think I would like my bench to have a gentle rocking motion to it. And a brook nearby.
Father God, I’m Yours! I hold NO ownership of this body. I surrender it to You. Forgive me for how I have treated it over the years. Thank You for preserving it in spite of my attempts at a ‘make over’. I know the outside isn’t nearly as important as the inside. Thank You for continuing to work on Your ‘home’ within me. Thank You for not giving up on me. For the outside, I surrender it to You. I trust You to make it into the image YOU want it to be. Thank You for the inside work. I can see the changes already. Keep them coming Father. Make me a woman after Your own heart.