Psalm 18:1-50 My Rock

David’s heart is SINGING! “He is my Rock and my Fortress!” He is delivered from the hand of Saul and all his enemies.
I LOVE this psalm! It is filled with praise to the Lord from start to finish. My cheeks would burn with shame if I tried appropriating it for my life. At least they would in the parts where David calls himself blameless.
I would love to know which victory inspired this psalm. We know of some AMAZING ones in David’s life. Some more glorious than others. The Davidic Chronicles series brings many of those battles to life. God worked miracles through the hands of David and his mighty men. I’m betting this psalm commemorates one of those events.
It could also chronicle David’s relief when Saul swears not to pursue him any longer. David didn’t received complete relief and resolution from that danger though until Saul was dead and his son Ishbaal joined him in the grave. But the promised relief when he confronted Saul was most likely enough to make David’s heart sing with praise for the Lord. TWICE David has come within striking distance of Saul and could have ended everything but he would not “stretch out his hand against God’s anointed”. He did come close enough to scare Saul into submission and PROVE that he was no threat to Saul.
David starts his psalm off with the MOST important words; “I LOVE YOU, O Lord, my strength” (verse 1, emphasis added). These words actually sum up the whole meaning of this psalm.
David isn’t saying “I love You because You give me strength.” He says “I love You and You ARE my strength.” Staying in relationship with God was where David’s strength flowed from. It wasn’t a ‘once in a while’ gift bestowed on him. It was a continual day to day sustaining of David’s life. There were extraordinary times of strength but the foundation of David’s daily strength was the Lord and David’s reliance on Him. Without God, David would have fallen. Repeatedly.
I Love the descriptions David uses to share how the Lord came to his rescue! I can see it in my mind’s eye. The earth quake as it rolls the ground under David’s attackers and knocks them off their feet. The rocks that tumble on the enemy. Hail stones pelting those opposing David. All the while David’s forces move in and out, striking the enemy as if they were standing still. GOD granted this victory and advantage. GOD did the fighting for David with the very elements He created. I would venture to say that more died from the elements themselves than the swords wielded by David and his mighty men.
Why would God fight so mightily for David? Because David kept God front and center in his life AND he asked for help. David was NOT blameless on his own but he WAS forgiven for his sins because he repented. God made provisions in His law for forgiveness and because of His covering of David’s sins, David could stand blameless.
Because of Jesus, I can make that same claim. I AM NOT innocent on my own. But I am washed in Jesus’ blood and stand blameless before God because of that blood. When He looks at me He sees Jesus’ righteousness clothing me. I am the “purified” because of Him.
David has increased his confidence in the Lord. “For by You I can run against a trop, and by my God I can leap over a wall” (verse 29). NOTHING is too difficult for God, past, present or future! David makes certain his listener remembers that it is God who receives the glory for the victories. David did not walk this road alone. He is humble; even when saying he is blameless.
And David promises us that his God can do the same for ALL who take refuge in Him. There is NO other god but Him. There’s NO god like Jehovah! NO other god answers when called upon. Even when the enemies of God call on Him for triumph, He will NOT answer them.
David speaks of his rise to the throne and it being God who put him there. “You delivered me from strife with the people; You made me the head of the nations; people whom I had not known served me” (verse 43). David did not reach this position on his own. He got there by the hand of God.
That same hand of God reached down through the ages and brought Jesus. The line of the King David would produce its greatest King ever; King Jesus. A relationship with Him is possible for each of us and as beneficial as it was for David. He will not make each of us earthly kings but He makes us His children and promises us eternity with Him. Whatever I have to go through to get that ‘reward’ is worth it!
Father God, I too LOVE YOU! I am NOT blameless in myself but because of Your word and Your work through Jesus, I am blameless before You. I can do NONE of this journey on my own. I will follow wherever You lead me Father and I will KNOW that it is best for me.