Psalm 136:1-26 Never Ending Love

There is one refrain that our psalmist continues to return to and therefore speaks of his true heart. He speaks of God’s never ending love when he says, “for His steadfast love endures forever.”
I wish I hadn’t already used the title “Steadfast Love” because it fits SO perfectly here. But I try to be slightly original each time. Our psalmist isn’t concerned with being ‘original’, he is concerned with driving his point home. God’s steadfast love endures FOREVER!
We start our ‘exploration’ of God’s steadfast love by looking first at His character. First of all, God is good. SO MUCH MORE could be said about that one word, but the very essence of His goodness is His steadfast love.
Next, we look at His preeminence. He is above ALL gods and ALL lords. There is NOTHING higher than Him. He could easily say that we are unworthy of His attention but He doesn’t. Instead, His steadfast love covers ALL that are beneath Him.
Our attention is now directed at the mighty works of His hands; the hands of our Creator. The Architect of ALL heaven and earth. He who had the knowledge and understanding to create the universe so it functions as He intended. The One who knew just how far to put our planed from the sun so it could sustain life. The One who designed the night skies to leave us breathless in wonder. In ALL He made, His steadfast love shines through.
Now we see His love for His chosen people. From the beginnings of Israel as a nation with His separation during the plagues to their return from captivity and beyond. Recounting each of His interventions would take FOREVER but a few key ones are needed to motivate continued faithfulness and faith. Examples where God chose His own above all others. Examples where, even in the darkest times, He never forgot His people. Examples pointing to a continued future with Him. In ALL times and in ALL circumstances, His steadfast love endures FOREVER for His people.
Our psalmist hadn’t experienced the promise of a Savior being fulfilled. He was still looking forward to it but I’m CERTAIN he knew that God’s steadfast love would complete that promise too. And with the fulfillment of that promise came His steadfast love to even more people. BECAUSE of His steadfast love for ALL men He gave us His Son. We are His children of faith. Those who turn to Him because we recognize and accept His steadfast love. And we will NEVER be disappointed for His steadfast love endures FOREVER!
His steadfast love does NOT guarantee us a perfectly ordered life. It doesn’t protect us from ever having to go through trouble. It doesn’t even mean that we will never encounter sin. What it DOES promise is that no matter what the challenge, no matter what the circumstances, and no matter how low we sink, He is there with us. He is waiting with His arms open to embrace us when we turn away from our sin. He holds our hand as we walk through the dark places. He can smooth the road or even lift us above the rough spots. But He can also steady us as we navigate the uneven terrain. He is there in the valley as well as on the mountain top. He is with us in the ‘lessons’ and the victories. His steadfast love endures FOREVER!!!
Thank You Father for Your love. A love that I NEVER have to worry about losing. A love that passes ALL understanding! Why You love me so is beyond me. I simply accept that love and walk in it. No matter what life brings me, I KNOW You walk beside me and love me. Even in my darkest places, I KNOW I have Your love! Don’t let me EVER forget or doubt that fact Father. I LOVE You too!!!