Psalm 12:1-8 Lying Lips

David is lamenting the culture of the time. Lying lips were everywhere. From the lowly neighbors to the governmental heights. God Help Please!
I wonder who it was that was in power at the time David wrote this psalm. Was he speaking of the nations around him or of Israel itself? Was he speaking of King Saul and how he kept changing his mind about pursuing David. He had his army completely convinced that David was a danger to the throne. Not everyone was fooled but enough were that they kept David on the run. I’m pretty sure he wasn’t writing it about his time on the throne.
What was it that everyone was ‘lying’ about? Was it that the populace was generally seeking their own good and would say whatever they had to in order to ensure their own success? Was it something specific they were lying about? If it was Saul it would have been David. It could also have had something to do with other gods. David drew the whole nation back to God when he took the throne.
Whatever it was it was affecting the poor and the needy. God told His people to always reach out to the needy. Israel was once poor and needy and God reached out to them. He wanted to make certain that they cared for others as He cared for them. They were failing at this so David calls God to rise up in their defense. David’s heart even pours out the words God would use through His Spirit. “Because the poor are plundered, because the needy groan, I will now arise,” says the Lord; “I will place him in the safety for which he longs” (verse 5).
Is this a promise God made earlier or is David speaking prophetically? Is it possibly both? Also is this rising up of God happening in David’s time or is it a future prophecy? It certainly fits with our time! There are SO MANY poor and needy people around the world. Not all of them call Him Lord but MANY do. The world fluctuates between caring for them and ignoring them. The poor are often the first to suffer when times get hard. People give more generously when they have an abundance.
The portion about lying lips and deceitful tongues could have been ripped from our current headlines too. It is nearly impossible to discern truth from ‘fiction’ in our nations’ leadership. Would be leaders will say anything to gain the position of power and then deliver nothing like the promises they made. State propaganda and restricted information plague many nations. A current example is the information being given to those in Russia regarding their government’s aggression and the true toll of war.
The saddest part of all this is that it isn’t going to get better. David’s descendants would experiences improvement at times but this problem never fully went away. As we march towards the return of Jesus, we KNOW, from Revelation, where things are headed. It HAS to get worse before Jesus returns.
But WE don’t have to join in the downslide! We are to stand and speak truth, no matter what the world thinks of it. We are to show compassion to our fellow man, including the poor and needy. God calls us to be His hands and feet now more than ever. Pray for peace while also preparing for war; Spiritual war. “When these things begin to happen, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near When these things begin to happen, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near” (Luke 21:28).
Father God, let me be part of the solution instead of the problem. Keep my heart and mouth in line with Your word. Use me to be Your hands and feet in whatever fashion You choose. Keep me watching but without worry. Thank You for caring for us even as the time grows closer. I would not be the least bit sad to see Jesus come with my earthly eyes.
With that being said, watch over my children and grandchildren who are not following You. If You take me with the rest of the church, let them clearly see that this is YOUR work and change their lives. Thank You for watching over all Your children as the days draw nearer.