Psalm 115:1-18 Bless His Name

Praise and bless His name all you who trust in Him. He is worthy of such actions. This is the message from our psalmist and from EVERYONE who know Him.
I LOVE how our psalmist speaks of ALL the groups who the Lord blesses and cares for. Many times in the Old Testament we hear of the house of Israel and how God moves on behalf of them. Israel is listed, the house of Aaron is listed, and EVERYONE who fears God is listed. This means you and me too!
Our God is an AWESOME God. He hears His children’s cries. He sees our struggle and our hearts. He speaks to us of His love. His hands work in our lives. And He wraps us in His loving arms and occasionally puts us over His knee for discipline. His love is boundless!
It is amazing how He brings me to certain scriptures at just the right time in my life. Today is one of those times. One of my nieces had brain surgery today. She had a tumor that was slow growing but causing her a multitude of problems. It had to come out. Finding it in the first place was a miracle. She had a concussion several years ago and was having trouble getting over that injury. Investigating her symptoms is how they found the tumor. Needless to say, we were all praying for her as she went into the hospital for this latest procedure. God heard our prayers and her cries. When the surgeon came out to her family after the operation was complete, he spoke words that only God could have authored.
The doctor exposed the area around the tumor and peeled back the first layer of tissue surrounding the brain. The tumor came away completely with that layer. He removed the dura matter that was attached to the tumor so it wouldn’t grow back and closed the opening. He didn’t even have to touch her brain! God’s hand was ALL OVER that result.
This is just one of the stories I have witnessed in my life and the lives of my family that show me without a shadow of a doubt that my God hears his children. And He answers our prayers. NO other god could do this. There is no other god that is alive. And NO other god can grant life. Praise God I serve the LIVING God who loves me with abandon!
Father God, THANK YOU for the answered prayers today! You are AMAZING!!! There is NO god like You. Thank You that You mentioned me LONG before I was even born. Thank You also for speaking to me words that are relevant to my life each day. You TRULY know me!