Psalm 11:1-7 My Refuge

David is again concerned with the wicked. But this time he focuses his energy on his salvation; his refuge. That is found only in God.
The wicked aren’t going anywhere. They will be around all our lives. But how we deal with them is what makes the difference. Do we take a stand against them? Do we strike back? Do we scream and cry about it? Do we put it all in God’s hands? Or do we do something especially original and put ourselves in God’s hands instead?
At one point or another, David opted for all of the above. Right now though he is choosing the final option for himself and the previous one for the wicked people he is encountering. He is not striking back, currently, but trusting God to do that for him. He isn’t even talking of going to war over the issues. Instead, he is waiting on God to deliver their just deserts.
David is also crying about the treatment received at the hands of the wicked but he is crying about it to the One who can make the difference; God. David brings his need before God without fear. He does this because he KNOWS he is walking according to His directives. David’s heart is clean. He tries to maintain a clean heart too so that he can always come to God with his issues.
We need to choose how we will deal with wickedness too. We should use a combination approach too; especially depending on the situation. First, stand for what is right. Don’t throw you hat in with those who are practicing wickedness. You don’t have to stand on the street corner and yell about it but neither do you join in with it or excuse it. Some do choose the street corner (protest) as their place to stand against evil.
In Old Testament times God led His people into wars against evil nations. Today, Jesus calls us to spiritual warfare against them instead. This is a good way to ‘strike back’ against evil. For those of us not willing to raise a gun, it is the BEST way to fight back. Probably the best way all together, but I leave that between you and God.
Putting yourself AND the evil in this world in God’s hands sums up ALL we can do. God has a plan and nothing we do will change that. If you have read Revelation you know it is going to get a LOT worse before the end. God KNOWS what He is doing. He knows how to bring the nations to their knees and what it is going to take for us to make it through to Him. Above all else seek His guidance and wisdom. He will tell you what to do and when to take a stand.
Father God, lead me daily in this world that is becoming more and more perverse. Show me when, where, and how to take a stand against it. Forgive me for not praying for my brothers and sisters around the world like I should. You know how much I hate conflict. But some things are worth ‘fighting for’. Show me which battles to take up and which to lead by example. To let Your light shine through my life. Above ALL else, be my refuge. Not just in times of trouble but always.