Proverbs 9:1-12 Wisdom’s Ways

Wisdom has prepared her home to receive visitors and teach them her ways. Her ways bring life. Everyone is invited to come and learn from her.
This chapter does what I kind of did the last time we were together. It compares and contrasts ‘two women’, Wisdom and Folly. I used the adulterous woman instead of Folly. In the first part of this chapter we will be looking at Wisdom and what she offers.
When I started reading the bible helps from this chapter the first they looked at was how Wisdom actually put effort into getting things ready for those she was calling to. “Wisdom has built her house; she has hewn her seven pillars. She has slaughtered her beasts; she has mixed her wine; she has also set her table. She has sent out her young women to call from the highest places in the town” (verses 1-3, emphasis added). She even told her young women what to say on her behalf.
She did all this in preparation for her guests. She wanted the best to present to them and stopped at nothing less. She may not have physically performed all the work but she oversaw it and made sure it met her standards. All is in order to serve those who will come.
Her young women also knew who to approach. They called to the simple; those who lacked wisdom. They also called to the righteous and the wise. Those who scoffed at the invitation were NOT invited. Neither Wisdom nor her young women tried to convince them that there was something to be gained by attending. The wicked were likewise not invited.
Wickedness sprouts from a true despising of wisdom. A wicked man may be clever and find ways to exploit others but he is ANYTHING but wise. If he were wise he would realize that this life is NOT all there is and that his choices affect his FULL future.
Those who attend the banquet Wisdom laid out received bountifully. The first lesson they received was the “fear of the Lord”. Not cowering in the corner fear but a reverent understanding of Who is in control of this world. A right recognition of God’s power. Wisdom also promises long life to those who attend and learn from her.
The last verse in this section is very interesting. “If you are wise, you are wise for yourself; if you scoff, you alone will bear it” (verse 12). If you seek wisdom, its application first helps you. You can grow from there to helping other people by the application of wisdom in your dealings with them. Solomon showed this when he decided between the two mothers and the one living child.
When you ignore wisdom you only hurt yourself. Others may get caught up in your ‘wake’ but you are the one who truly suffers. This is especially true when you send yourself to Hell. God doesn’t send anyone to Hell, they send themselves by rejecting Wisdom’s call. Her first call is to salvation. Refuse this and you miss Heaven all together.
Father God, THANK YOU for the wisdom You offer freely. I answered the first call and several others after it but I still struggle with areas where wisdom would make a HUGE difference in my life. I HAVE to listen instead of brushing the calls. Help me Father to listen. Trip me if need be to get my attention. I want to walk in wisdom at all times.