Proverbs 8:1-36 A Better Voice

Solomon just shared his warning against the adulterous with his sons. He spoke of her calling out to men. Here is a better voice calling out to men; that of Wisdom.
Solomon focuses on wisdom today. It is never far from his mind but in the previous chapters Solomon didn’t specifically focus on it. Wisdom was mentioned in the beginning of his warning but then left off. Instead, he focused on one main sin; that of adultery. He speaks of the adulterous woman calling out to those passing by, trying to entice them into sin.
In this chapter Solomon is describing the call of another ‘woman’ to any who would listen. His whole focus is on wisdom and the difference it makes in a person’s life when they seek it.
Looking at this passage while thinking about the last one, it comes to mind that there are two ‘women’ being focused on. Both ‘women’ are calling out in an attempt to draw others to them. They have total opposites goals and apposing methods. One’s aim leads to death while the other leads to life.
Wisdom walks the same streets as the adulterous woman. Solomon doesn’t put them in the same places but I’m sure their ‘paths’ cross. The adulterous woman stands on her corner, walks the streets, goes to the market place, and waits in ambush. The adulterous woman dresses provocatively and seizes her prey with boldness. Her words drip with honey that drowns men in wickedness.
Wisdom stands at the crossroads and beside the gates. I would bet she is there at the corner of the adulterous woman, calling for the man to make the right choice. We are not told of Wisdom’s clothing but I would bet they are of fine linen and royal design. She is gentle and does not force herself on anyone. Her speech is noble and always righteous. There is no wickedness in her. Following her leads to life, even for the simple and the fool. Her instructions and words are better than ALL the riches in the world!
From before the beginning of time Wisdom was with God. Nothing He created was made without her. I honestly don’t know for certain if ‘Wisdom’ is a creation of God or if it is part of His character. We are told, “Ages ago I was set up, at the first, before the beginning of the earth” (verse 23). Was this ‘Wisdom’s’ creation or was it a defining of God’s character? If ‘Wisdom’ is the Holy Spirit, then this makes perfect sense. We already know that Jesus was in the beginning with God; “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God” (John 1:1). Including Wisdom in the beginning has the full Trinity represented.
Who better to know the heart of God and the ways of righteousness than the very Spirit of God? No wonder Wisdom’s words lead to life. And the best part of ALL is that ALL who earnestly seek Wisdom will find it. You don’t have to be a Rhodes Scholar to ask for and receive Wisdom. All you really need is an earnest desire to find Wisdom. God will take it from there.
The call of ‘Wisdom’ is just as sincere and urgent today as it was in Solomon’s time. Listening to that call is even more important today as the time is growing short and more wicked each passing day. There will come a time when that voice is silent. It is already being shouted over by the voices of evil. Tune your ears to Wisdom’s voice and listen even in the middle of chaos. It is the ONLY path to life as it draws us to Jesus and the Father.
Father God, THANK YOU for Your Holy Spirit. Thank You that Your Spirit calls out to me in wisdom. I know I don’t always listen but I want to. I want to learn how to shut out all the other voices and let the Holy Spirit’s voice rise up in my spirit continually. Let His voice drown out ALL others!