Proverbs 7:1-27 Adulteress

Solomon paints the most vivid portrait of the adulteress who would ensnare many. This description of her fits MANY sins. Run the other way!
Solomon seems VERY determined that his sons be alert to this form of sin. This is the third time he has addressed the issue. I’m curious as to why. Each time he has made it the woman who is enticing the man. But the men fall for it too and great is their fall. Does Solomon speak from the voice of experience in this?
Whether or not Solomon has personal experience with this sin, his description of the seductiveness of all sin is accurate. “Who will know?” “But it feels SO good!” “What happens in _____ stays in ____.” Advertisers use enticements all the time to get you to buy their products. I have often asked what the actual product was that was being sold after watching a commercial. Sex, power, money and status seem to be the best lures. They call from every corner and marketplace to make you seek after their wares.
There is nothing inherently wrong with any of these ‘lures’, just how they are applied and sought. God created sex. Without it there is no continuation of the species. But there are limits for its proper use. The one Solomon is focusing in on is taking a partner that is already spoken for.
God didn’t ‘create’ money but He knows of its value to man. Actually He did create valuable items to be used in exchanges; gold, silver, precious metals and gems. And He created them in scarcer amounts that set up the world for the concept of commerce. God fully approves of honest commerce. He put as much in His Laws.
Power and status usually go hand in hand but not in Jesus’ case. He had power but He refused the status of man. None so moved the world as this Servant King. He already had a ‘status’ far beyond the minds of men. He set it all aside to do His Father’s will. Jesus used His power to help instead of oppress. And His status as our Savior is without equal.
All these ‘lures’ turn us to sin when we want what is not ours, or against the will of God. Anything can become sin if it entices you away from God. That’s how false gods get started. Anything that takes the place of God in your life is both sin and a false god.
The young man in Solomon’s story was ignoring ALL the Laws of God for his own gratification. He knew it was wrong but he went to her anyway. Solomon is hoping his sons learn from this man’s experience. He is forever altered by his choices.
Praise God for Forgiveness!!! God can restore any life. But some sins carry with it consequences that don’t blow away. When thinking about sexual sin and cheating on your spouse one thing comes to mind. If he/she cheated with you, he/she will cheat on you. It is NOT worth the heartbreak and trouble that is sure to follow.
Thank You Father for teaching me to walk away from MANY sins. I’m still struggling with some issues but I have faith that You will help me here too. Thank You even more than that for forgiveness. Jesus paid for it in His own blood. Something I can NEVER repay. Keep me walking according to Your will Father.