Proverbs 30:29-31 Walking Tall

Our last list from Agur contains things that are ‘walking tall’; “stately in their stride.” I can see pride in the mix as well. But sometimes “pride” is justified.
We are coming near the end of Agur’s advice for us. Not fully there, but at the end of his lists. I wonder if he is unique in his ‘list making’ way of looking at the world. Other than a shopping list and to-do lists, I don’t use a lot of lists. I suppose that’s not entirely accurate. My children and I had a game of listing as many ways as we could come up with to convey a specific word or topic. Two of my favorites were “poop” and “vomit.” I know, strange game but it generated a lot of laughter and thinking. I also want to point out that I just used a ‘list’ in that last sentence, so, lists are a bigger part of my life than I realized. Let’s look at Agur’s list now.
The first ‘item’ on the list is a lion. He gets more ink than the rest of them. One of the things said about the lion is that he runs from nothing. It is no wonder that Jesus is called the “Lion of Judah.” He set His face resolutely to fulfilling His Father’s plan. He turned back for nothing and no one. This isn’t saying that He ignored or bulldozed everything in His path. He took as many as possible along with Him. He is still taking us today. There is still work to be done and He will NOT turn from it.
The second ‘item’ is the one I associate most with pride. A strutting rooster. He is a big braggard but he has some reason too. He is master of all he surveys, or at least he thinks he is. He is busy showing all the hens how powerful and desirable he is. He will also fight for all he is worth to protect the hens he feels are his. But a rooster is no match for larger animals, regardless of how he struts.
Next up is the he-goat. He has the same attitude as the rooster. He will fight for ‘his’ she-goats. Even baby goats practice this behavior by butting heads but it is perfected in the male. He who has the hardest head has the largest ‘harem’.
Thinking about the he-goat brings back memories of the children’s story, “Three Billy Goats Gruff.” The younger goats knew they were not the strongest but they had faith that their oldest brother would ‘pay their way’ across the bridge. The troll let the smaller two pass on by, expecting to get an even bigger reward by waiting. The third goat was too much for him and the billy goats never had to deal with the troll again.
Satan doesn’t wait for the stronger person to come along. He likes to grab the weak and confused ones. He reminds me of the Red Barron of Germany. His kill ratio was HUGE but he only went after the planes that were already in trouble; the ones that couldn’t fight back. Satan ‘bit off more than he could chew’ when he went after Jesus. God KNEW he would fall for it, just like the younger billy goats knew the troll would. And Jesus beat him soundly. He likes to growl and try to scare God’s people but he has no power over them any longer; apart from what we hand to him with our sins.
The last ‘item’ really reminds me of the Father. The king who is with his army is an inspiration to them. It makes the soldiers walk taller, step higher, and fight harder. They are inspired by their king. They want to do everything to please him and even protect him if the need arises. David’s men did this when he fought with them. At one point they had to tell him not to come into battle with them any longer because he was no longer a help but a hinderance. To keep him safe, they had to focus on him instead of the battle. When David was younger he carried his own weight in battle, and then some!
Our King is with us in battle EVERY DAY. He stands with us, holding us up if need be. That’s the only reason I can stand. I can’t do it on my own and He won’t make me. I’m looking forward to the day when I can see my King with my own eyes too. Until then, I will rely on His Holy Spirit to protect me and assure me He IS watching me and walking with me.
Father God, THANK YOU for being my King. Thank You for showing me Yourself in even the smallest things. Even the little chickens in my sewing room. They boost my faith simply by ALL being alive. I asked and You delivered! Thank You for listening to my ‘little heart’ prayers.
Thank You for helping me ‘stand taller’ when others speak of You. Also for giving me the courage to open my mouth too and speak of You. As long as it is You speaking through me, I have courage.