Proverbs 29:8-11 Loud Mouth

The one who doesn’t know when to shut up can make a MAJOR mess of things. The loud mouth seldom has anything edifying to say. His aim is to stir things up.
Before we dig in, I have to make a distinction. There are people who like to visit with one another. They can talk for HOURS. Their visits are NOT meant to stir people up but to engage in companionship. My dad is one such person. Growing up it was one of us kids biggest fears when we were out because it meant HOURS of waiting until he ran out of things to talk about or our mom dragged him away. I once told him he could be on a deserted island and still find someone to talk to. He agreed; he would talk to God. Good answer!
The ”loud mouth” is one whose intent is to stir people up with their words. A few ways they do this is through gossip, picking arguments, or always ‘one upping’ everyone. They are irritating to be around after a while. Sometimes it takes a bit to recognize them, especially if you are hungry for a friend. But spend much time around them and you can’t help but notice their pattern. They are NOT the ‘once in a while’ story tellers or ‘special topic’ advocates. EVERYTHING you say or do brings new opportunities for them to ‘share their opinion’ on the matter.
Solomon points out a few of these people. The “scoffer” is the first one. This is someone who mocks and makes fun of others. Someone who wouldn’t hesitate to point out a person struggling with a problem and use it against them. Perhaps an overweight person whom they would offer a crude comment to them or in their presence. Or someone struggling with reading that they would put down and label “stupid” or “dumb”. One of their greatest joys is when they can entice others to join in with them. We call this bullying now.
The second person identified is a “fool”. This label is used quite a bit in the book of Proverbs. It is NOT referring to anyone who doesn’t see things exactly like you do. According to, it is someone who lacks judgment or sense. In Proverbs it generally applies to someone who refuses to acknowledge God’s existence. This person is destined for a RUDE awakening in the end! But before that time comes, they will argue their point of view with vehemence to anyone who crosses their path. They refuse to take in the evidence around them. They actively look for opportunities to engage someone in debate. They are ‘smarter’ than everyone else and nothing you can say will change their mind. It takes something extremely personal happening to them to get their attention. We HAVE to let God do the work in this kind of person.
The third identified isn’t always loud but he is full of anger and hate. He hates anyone who isn’t miserable like him, anyone who is happy with their life, and anyone who tries to pull them out of their anger. Nothing makes them happier than seeing someone else hurt or brought low. Even better if they are the ones to make it happen. This kind of person is not always easy to spot. Some hide their true intentions and go about inflicting harm in disguised ways. They are the “passive-aggressive” person who sabotages others to make themselves look better.
These people are NOT your friends! Their only friend is themselves and they will take advantage of anyone naive enough to try and befriend them. I could come up with many examples but I’m sure you already have met some such people yourselves. Be warry. I won’t say to cut them out of your life but God may tell you to. Know that if God has you stay in a relationship with such a person, He is likely trying to reach them through you. Ask for His protection if you have to interact with such people.
Father God, thank You for protecting me in relationships like this. You have pulled me out of several of them. Help me make healthy relationships. Yet, I will go where You send me to share Your love with whomever You put in my path. I KNOW You will provide me with the words to say when they are needed. And You will keep me safe at ALL times.