Proverbs 25:26 Muddy Water

A righteous man/woman who compromises, gives way, is like muddy water. Any who drink from this water will take in its contaminants too.
The first thing I want to say is, I’m sorry. This verse didn’t have its own break. It should have been included with verse 25. But I suppose this works too. Let’s see where the Spirit will take us today with this single verse.
When thinking about the “muddied spring” I picture a spring or brook running along the rocks. I see little rapids where it dips and falls over the debris in its bed. I also picture a place where people go to get FRESH water from an underground spring. Both these water sources are crystal clear UNLESS something happens to stir up the dirt from the bottom or someone pours something into it. Another time the clean water becomes dirty is after heavy rain and runoff. With enough rain and runoff, the little stream becomes a raging river, capable of tearing down trees in its path and filled with all the filth it churns up along its passage.
Every body of water has a base of sediment that it rests on. Tiny particles are stirred up with the current but most of it stays on the bottom. The sediment is heavy and falls to the bottom allowing the clear water to rise above it. From a freshwater source a multitude of animals, plants and people can drink from it. It gives life.
The righteous life is one in which all the temptations and sins of the past have settled on the bottom. The clean water of God runs through their life. Little pieces might be stirred up from time to time but the water remains clean and those particles quickly settle too. A righteous life shares its source with all those around. It brings spiritual life.
A muddy stream is one that is constantly churning up its base. It is never at rest; peaceful. The dirt within it inseparable from the pure water. To drink from it means you will also be ingesting filth, which ultimately results in death.
When a muddy stream joins with a clean stream it fouls them both. It brings its debris and dirt and stirs the previously quiet stream into a frenzy where both then are fouled. If the clean stream is stronger than the muddy one, the particulates will eventually settle to the bottom. But if the muddy stream is the more powerful, the pure stream is swallowed up and lost. The pure stream ads to the overall volume but it’s clarity is lost. At least until both come to a larger body of water that stops their churning.
During our walk in life we will constantly bump up against people filled with ‘muddy water’. We can either be the calming influence or let them muddy our hearts too. By adapting their attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors our lives begin to resemble theirs. Both become polluted. When maintaining your standards, those who want to be around you either change or begin to adopt your attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors. They become more like your Source.
Don’t let ANYONE pour trash into your stream. Put a guard on your heart! KNOW the One you stand for and let Him help you push back against pollutants. It is only through God’s source of live that ANY of us have life! Trust in Him to guard your heart too.
Father God keep me from letting pollutants into my ‘stream’ Thank You that I am NOT removed from the world. Without some interaction I wouldn’t be able to changes lives and share Your love. Let me bring Your refreshing water to all who are thirsty. Keep me thirsty too Father. Don’t let me ever grow weary of coming to You.