Proverbs 26:23-26 Rotten to the Core

Today we look at the man who appears gracious and kind outwardly. But he is rotten to the core inside. Out of his mouth pour lies, straight from his true heart.
These verses remind me of Jesus’ words concerning the Pharisees. He called them “whitewashed-sepulchers.” They were pious on the outside, their speech full of ‘gracious’ words, while harboring a heart of hatred. Their BIGGEST deceit was in trying to convince the people that Jesus was a liar, a pretender and dangerous to ALL those around Him. Yet they knew the truth. They refused to accept that truth.
When first reading our passage, I was thinking about the “earthen vessels” and what that reference meant. I’ve been in art class and created items made from clay (earth). They were never ready for use, including as decorations, until after they were fired and glazed. Depending on the glaze used, they could serve as dishes too. Most watering pots were made in this fashion during bible times. They were very useful but they held flaws hidden inside each of them. And they were sturdy, but still breakable.
The opposite is true of vessels made of silver or gold. These vessels were purified by fire before being molded into their shapes. Once they were fashioned into vessels, they were not breakable except by the most extreme means. They held no flaws or they would have been reworked in the beginning.
In 2 Corinthians 4, Paul talks about us being “earthen vessels” and holding a “great treasure”. This treasure is the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. They are incorruptible, even when placed in the corruptible flesh of man. God uses us imperfect humans to reach others imperfect humans for us. BUT there is a change in the ‘vessel’ once the Spirit of God resides there. The impurities are being worked out of us a piece at a time.
The ”earthen vessels” of today’s proverb are NOT the ones who are undergoing this change. They are ones that try to appear important, holy, even worthy of honor while refusing to abandon their deceitful ways. They hide their true selves, believing that no one will be any the wiser. But God does not let them go undiscovered forever. They are content to live as they always lived; living a lie.
DON’T BE TAKEN IN BY THEM! We already looked at the fruit a person bears. The one who is rotten to the core will also bear rotten fruit. Those who have the Spirit of the Lord residing in them will bear good fruit. Those with ‘rotten fruit’ RUN FAR AWAY FROM. As much as it depends on you, have noting to do with them. This is for your own safety. So that you don’t become entangled in their sin along with them.
Let their own impurities be shown by God. You don’t need to help Him in this process, UNLESS HE calls you to.
Father God, THANK YOU for ALL the changes You have brought about in my heart. I am an “earthen vessel” when you made me Yours. It is by YOUR hands that I am being made clean. PLEASE keep working on me! I know I still have a LONG way to go. I want to make yu proud Father. I want to water the flowers as You pas by them. THEN my cracks will be of use.