Proverbs 26:11 Repeat

To repeat the same folly after having just been cleansed of it is worse than never getting clean to begin with. Rinse and repeat is for hair, not hearts.
This is a vivid picture that Solomon paints for us. Disgusting!!! And for those of you who have never had the ‘privilege’ of witnessing this act, Yes, dogs often try and eat what they just puked up. Female dogs often eat what comes out the other end too. Now that I have totally grossed you out, what does this have to do with life?
My bible helps ‘helped’ by pointing me to 2 Peter 2 where Peter gives us an example. He is speaking of people who “if, after they have escaped the defilements of the world through the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they are again entangled in them and overcome, the last state has become words for them that the first. For it would have been better for them never to have know the way of righteousness than after knowing it to turn back from the holy commandment delivered to them” (2 Peter 2:20-21).
I think these would also be the people Jesus described as receiving the gospel with gladness and then the cares of the world grow up and choke out the word. They are no better than when they first started. In fact, they are worse off.
“I tried that religious stuff and it didn’t work for me.”
There is a difference between those who return to their previous lives after learning of the life Jesus offers and those who actually come to faith in Jesus. A superficial understanding is NOT the same as a relationship. Those who have truly given their lives to the Lord will NOT “return to their vomit”. We may mess up for a time but we will NOT be lost. Jesus, the Good Shepherd, will go after His lost sheep. He does not go chasing after someone else’s sheep.
One who is truly a child of God cannot lose their salvation. I know this is a controversial issue with some but I invite you to view discussion of this issue. Those who are “new creations” will NOT return to their old lives. A true change in heart will result in a true change in life.
Father God, thank You for calling out to me and drawing me to Yourself. Thank You that You do NOT turn loose or lose Your children. I did that once and it was TERRIFYING! I’m never lost beyond Your reach because Your are TRULY my Father. Keep me walking forward in this journey. Don’t let me go backwards. Thank You for protecting me from all the damages I could have suffered along the way. NO rinse and repeat for me!