Proverbs 26:1 Not Right

There are some things in life that are simply not right; they don’t fit the pattern of expectations. And they make a mess when they happen!
Snow in SUMMER! What a concept. We all, or at least those of us living in normal climates, recognize how unlikely this is. Yet, there are places that have snow in the season of summer. It is a calendar marking, not a guarantee of warm weather, sunny days and fun in the sun. Yet, the word Summer immediately triggers these thoughts.
As for rain during harvest, farmers PRAY it doesn’t happen, but there are no guarantees. I’ve seen it happen and I’m not even been in a farming community all that long. It wreaks havoc on the harvest and can sometimes destroy it all.
Both these weather-related phenomena happen but they are not what is expected for the season or the norm. Honor bestowed on a fool happens too. Just look at government; you’ll find plenty of examples.
Depending on where you are ALL of these “not right” examples become expected events. Snow happens in the higher mountains year-round as well as higher latitude locations. Mt. Hood in Oregon boasts of snow in the summer regularly at Timberline Lodge. Rain during harvest for water crops doesn’t hurt anything. Cranberry fields are flooded at harvest time so the berries float to the surface. And in some arenas, the more foolish the person the more honor they receive. Sports like wrestling attract fans through the outlandish clothing and actions of the athletes. All these are “right” when in their places.
Solomon isn’t talking about the exceptions though. He is speaking of what is considered good for the majority. Most farmers fear rain during harvest and wouldn’t even consider snow being an issue in the summer. Solomon would also expect that the foolish would NOT rise to positions of power or great honor. In Israel, under his rule, they didn’t. But after his death his own son broke that norm. Solomon’s son Rehoboam certainly acted foolish in how he ruled the people; especially in the beginning of his reign.
I refrain from labeling him a “fool” because I don’t know how God judges him overall. I’m no one’s judge but I can recognize foolish actions and attitudes. Is it possible that this is a warning against being caught up in honoring someone who is acting foolish?
So many people turn a blind eye to the things that don’t follow their ideal of a certain person. An athlete who plays a sport well but is also verbally abusive to others. A politician who votes along party lines but takes money from unsavory sources for his influence. A musician, an actor, a doctor, a lawyer, a pastor, … anyone who acts one way in public while being destructive in private.
Be careful to know those you honor. Don’t blindly follow any man. Don’t dismiss the ‘out of character’ actions you see. On the other hand, though, don’t be ready to believe everything you hear, especially from their detractors. Be sober minded and discerning when choosing who to follow as well as who to take on as your friends. Following a ‘fool’ can lead you to destruction right along side them.
There have been many times in my life where I had to find a new church after moving. It was seldom an easy or instant find. I usually started with the phone book and looked for churches that fit into the denominational roles I had grown up in or were ‘non-denominational’. I would choose one and attend their services. I listened well to what the minister shared as well as the teachers. I took careful note of the songs they sang and the openness of the people. And I especially listened to the Spirit of the Lord in me. If I didn’t feel His presence in that place, it didn’t become my new church.
One other thing about this search is that I would not give financially to any church until I found the one the Lord directed me to. My reason for this is that, I believe by giving to ANY organization you are accepting responsibility for the work they do with my support. I am careful with who and what I support. I DON’T want to be linked with a ‘fool’ and his causes. I don’t want to share in his reward. Even if the ‘fool’ doesn’t recognize his own or organizations ‘foolish’ actions. We are responsible to do good with what God gives us. Research where you put your pocketbook AND heart.
Father God, keep me alert to the things I need to know. I HATE watching the news and listening to all the political talk. But I also need to know who to put my vote behind (each time it comes due) and which groups to support. The ONLY WAY I have of knowing who to trust is by trusting in YOU to show me. I can’t know everything there is to know about a person or organization. I NEED Your direction.
In my daily life I don’t have to make many of these ‘who to trust’ decisions because I’m pretty isolated. But help to be aware of those around me so I can stay safe AND show Your love at the same time. Protect me from my own tendency to want to help everyone. Thank You for placing a giving heart within me. Direct it to where I can make a difference for You.
You have placed something on my heart; or I believe it is You. If it is, show me how to make it a reality. Where to find those who would have a desire for the service I feel I’m being called to. If it is NOT of You Father, have it pass quickly from my mind and heart. I TRUST YOU FULLY in this area and with this request.