Proverbs 25:27 Not TOO Much

There is a balance is ALL things. Too much of even a good thing becomes a bad thing. It is fine to eat and to receive glory but not TOO much.
For those of us who LOVE sweet things, we can probably relate to the honey message. I know I have overdone the sweets and wound up regretting it. We have covered this ground of my faults a few more times than I can count. So, let’s skip ahead to the not too much glory part.
I have always been taught to give ALL glory to God. He is my maker and the author of the gifts I employ. Whenever anyone would complement me for whatever reason I felt uncomfortable. My response is usually a quick “Thank you” and move onto other things while inside feeling guilty for accepting the compliments. After MANY years of this guilt, I’m beginning to see things a little different.
Yes. I can accept complements for my work without it being wrong. But I have to make certain it doesn’t ‘inflate’ my ego.
No. I don’t go out fishing for complements, beyond sharing the work I’m proud of. That word “proud” makes me cringe too. I have a feeling that’s something I’ll be dealing with. This ‘proud’ is different that arrogance. It is sharing something I’m very happy with how it turned out.
No. I DO NOT make myself out to be an expert and actively try and draw others to myself. God will draw in those whom I can help through my gifts. Those that use their talents as the support for their family are different from me. Mine are hobbies, gifts from God, and something I derive pleasure from. This list includes my writing, sewing, singing, and many other functional talents God has blessed me with.
Yes! I FREELY and whole heartedly give God the praise for the results of my efforts. Whether it be new orders, souls reached, or jobs secured, HE is the one who gave me the gifts to share with others. Therefore, He receives the credit for the good results when they are used rightly.
NO! I do NOT blame God for any negative outcome from using my gifts. I accept responsibility for my own mistakes. And Satan does NOT like it when God’s children succeed. He could be trying to turn hearts against me to prevent a work of God.
I desire to bless people with the gifts God has blessed me with. I want to make a positive difference in someone’s life, even if that difference is as simple as a smile when I present them with something I have made. Those smiles are precious to me.
Father God, I’m about to enter another arena where my ‘talents’ will be in great need. Help me with this process. Help me support the one I’m assisting. Give me wisdom and good counsel in this arna. Don’t let me go running off on wild goose chases. Lead me in making all important points while leaving the confusing ones alone. Grant the one I’m supporting favor in the eyes of man so that the issues under consideration will finally be settled FAIRLY. Keep my ego and fear in check. Give me the right balance of boldness and humility. And PLEASE don’t let this drag out for a long time!!!