Proverbs 25:24 Wise Retreat

Here is another ‘source’ message. This one deals with the source of stress in some homes. The husband makes a wise retreat to find peace.
This isn’t the first time we have come across this topic. And it isn’t the first time that I have mentioned that the ‘quarrelsome’ person isn’t always the wife. A husband can be just as disruptive as a wife. Both can be verbally and physically provocative. And either can choose to retreat rather than continue the cycle.
The ‘source’ here is certainly NOT of God. Discord has no place in Him. It is sad to say but, this scenario though is not confined to those who don’t know God. I even had a ‘pastor’ when I was growing up who was physically abusive to his family. It also took on a sexual component as each of his daughters grew up. This man PROFESSED a personal relationship with God. But his ‘fruit’ was ROTTEN TO THE CORE! He had dammed up his Source so thoroughly that I wonder if even a pure drop came through. It didn’t happen overnight and it was well hidden for MANY years. His wife chose to retreat within the home until confronted by her eldest daughter once she had found safety away from her family. Then the wife retreated as far away as possible.
God is NOT a fan of divorce. He gave specific circumstances under which it was legal but it was never His intent for a family to be torn apart. Having said that, God also does NOT expect us to stand there and be abused. He loves us, and as a Father, He wants the BEST for us. When we have settled for less that His best, we have work to do. Sometimes He works on the ‘quarrelsome’ one and sometimes He works on the other. More often than not, BOTH are in need of work. I know it was so in my first marriage.
Rather than get a divorce, the man who retreated to the corner of his roof did so in order to ‘keep the peace’. He was apparently able to find some peace there but it comes at a cost. Everything has a cost and we have to weigh the cost carefully. Two verses later in this chapter we see that in another of the proverbs God gave to Solomon. We see that the person who “gives way before the wicked” (verse 26b) is like a polluted fountain. We will get more into this later, but for now, recognize that even running to the corner has consequences.
This is a personal message to anyone who is in this position. I cannot quote you chapter and verse, but I KNOW God LOVES you even in the middle of this hard place. Turn to Him for your strength. Ask Him what you can do to quiet the situation in your home. Follow where He leads you, even if you don’t really understand. Ask God to protect you while HE works on the situation. I WON’T promise the path will be easy but He WILL walk with you all the way. It doesn’t always work out exactly like you wanted but when you put your trust in Him, it works out for your BEST. I can guarantee you that my life is infinitely better than it would have been had I not been ‘rescued’ from the place I was in.
Father God, I KNOW the source of my marriage failing wasn’t from You. I also know that both me, and my ex-husband carried part of the blame. THANK YOU for removing me from that toxic environment and for working on me. I KNOW I’m not perfect but I’m a far cry from where I was. Don’t give up on me Father. I know You won’t. Thanks Father.