Proverbs 24:7 Wise Words #22

“Better the world thinks you’re a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubts.” Some of us don’t know when to sit quietly.
In our verse today the “fool” is acting wisely. He may not understand, or agree with, what he is hearing but he isn’t voicing his opinion on it. His silence gives him time to digest the topic and protection against being found wanting.
I had a Biology teacher in high school that promised the class the VERY FIRST DAY of each term “If you attend my class every day, even if you don’t do any of the work, your grade will be no lower than a D.” As expected, the class looked at him with skepticism and curiosity. Why would he make such a promise?
He cleared that up for us right away. He asked if anyone knew the stories of the wisest man to ever live. I immediately knew who he was talking about; King Solomon. I shared my answer and was rewarded with acknowledgment of my success. My teacher went on to say “If the men under King Solomon learned just by spending time in his presence, those in his class could do no less. I’m NOT King Solomon, but I cannot believe that ANYONE who attends this class EVERY DAY would walk away with nothing.”
After making the promise and giving the explanation he told us of one student who had put his words to the test. The student regularly skipped other classes, but he never missed a single of Biology class. He did none of the work. And walked away with the promised D.
My point is, the “fool” sitting quietly in the gate can’t help but learn from what is going on around him. Some wisdom has to be sinking through his exterior. Even though “wisdom is too high” for him, he is demonstrating an understanding of his need for that wisdom by sitting and listening.
The reverse is also true. The “wise man” who regularly sits in the company of “fools” without saying a word will begin to have their foolish beliefs sink in. A one-time visit won’t necessarily change his mind, but a continual stream from this group WILL have an impact.
For this very reason, we are told to watch who we spend our time with. We are also told to watch what we listen to and view. They have an impact on us, whether we accept it or not.
There is a time to sit and listen. And there is a time to stand and speak. When in need of understanding and knowledge, it is best to listen. When in the company of obvious wrong thinking, it is time to speak the truth. Your voice may be the only truth this group ever receives or it may be the tipping point that brings the group in line with the real truth.
I would like to say one more thing about absorbing information. I fully believe that if you are faithfully in the Word of God, your life WILL be changed. You don’t have to be doing DEEP digging in the beginning, but the more you read, the more you will want to read. It stirs a hunger to know God; the One this book speaks of. Even if you start our reading the bible like any other form of entertaining reading, you cannot help but be drawn in by the stories. Once you are drawn in, you will find you want to know the Author more. The relationship will change and He will give you understanding of more of His words. For without the relationship, the deeper things remain a mystery.
Thank You Father for drawing me in and for giving me nuggets from Your word. Each day that I come seeking relationship time with You, You reward my efforts. I know there is MUCH more in Your word than I have uncovered. Keep me coming and searching Your word. Keep me excited about sitting in You lap for one more lesson!