Proverbs 23:1-3 Wise Words #6

Our author is telling us to be wise when receiving the ‘gifts’ of the ‘wealthy’ and ‘powerful’ people. It might be a trap to get you in their debt.
Gifts are supposed to be given without ‘strings’ but often that isn’t what happens. Some people are offended if their ‘gift’ is exchanged or re-gifted. The one who is giving a gift without really knowing the recipient so choosing the right gift isn’t that easy. Others don’t care what they give, so long as the task is over quickly.
The man in our verse may have a LOT of strings attached. Rather than going into his house expecting to have gifts lavished upon you, including honor, be alert to clues. Observe who is at ‘dinner. If it is only the ‘rich and powerful’ you have reason to be concern, unless you happen to be one of them also. I have no doubt that MANY ‘gifts’ change hands in these kinds of gatherings.
Sometimes the ‘strings’ are simply being seen with someone. I’m sure this happened a LOT with Jesus. Dinner at Simon’s house where He was anointed was one such dinner. The Pharisees were always watching to see who He had dinner with. They were judging His character by the people He associated with. This happens now too! Being ‘seen in the right company’ can make or break a person in certain circles. (Fortunately, I don’t run in those circles.)
Another reason to “hold a knife to your throat” is so you don’t give the impression that you are easily bought with ‘fine things’. Being swept away by the extravagance of the meal gives the impression that you desire these things for yourself. And if you don’t have them on your own, someone might be led to believe that you would do whatever it takes to obtain them. This is possibly how many people in politics get into ‘hot water’.
In short, look at the giver as well as the gift. Is it worth it to receive such a gif? What is the real price of it? Are you willing to pay what may be asked for later? Be willing to resist a gift with a ‘high’ price. It may be tempting to receive it but then you are also taking on the ‘hidden strings’ that could be pulled at any time.
Some people treat God in this way. Refusing the ‘gifts’ they feel obligates them while accepting or asking for ‘small favors’ instead. The GREATEST gift was Jesus’ work on the cross. He gave us this gift freely but it comes with a couple of ‘strings’. The strongest one is love. To even ask for this ‘gift’ implies you want a relationship with the ‘Giver’. That relationship will grow over time, IF you put time into it.
Father God, help me be aware of gifts with strings. Let the gifts I give be out of love with NO expectations in return. I don’t want someone to ‘love’ me because of my ‘gifts’. Even asking for this gift means that you are expecting something from it. Love comes from a true relationship. Keep the love in my family continually growing. And our too! Thank You for the Gift we will be celebrating tomorrow; Jesus’ birth. Your GREATEST gift EVER!!!
Thank You Jesus for You willingness to be that Gift, and ALL it entailed. Did You know that morning as Your mother held You? In Your Spirit I’m sure You remembered it all. But that first morning, did Your earthly body know what lay ahead? Mary sure didn’t. She had some idea but NOT the whole picture. Joseph either.