Proverbs 22:13 Pretender

Solomon visits the sluggard again today. He is pretending to be scared. Not to get attention but to get out of work. “It’s too dangerous to go out there!”
This verse brings up a visual that is almost laughable. The ‘sluggard’ quaking under his covers, trying to convince everyone else that he really is in danger if he leaves his bed. He has probably tried every other method to get out of work already and no one bought it. Pretended to be asleep, pretended no to hear the call to work, pretended to be sick or injured, simply ignored the call, etc.… What’s one more ruse to a list of so many. Bottom line, the sluggard does NOT want to work.
I’m reminded of something that happened in my home when I was growing up. We often had family members who came and stayed with us for a time for various reasons. One of my uncles is the focus of this story.
My uncle came to our home with a job waiting on him (or I think it was waiting). My mom, being the keeper of the home, was tasked with getting him out of bed so he wouldn’t be late for work. This was NO easy task. She would call out to him and he would respond but then turn right back into his pillow. She came closer and closer as she summoned him, with the same result. I’m not sure how many days this went on but she had enough. This time she came to wake him with a surprise. It was an ice cube. She told him to get up first but got the same result. She waited a moment, then applied her secret weapon to the bottom of his foot. He SHOT out of bed! Never again did she have to call more than once after that day. Maybe Solomon’s ‘sluggard’ just needs someone like my mom to ‘motivate him’ to leave his bed. I doubt she will be applying for the post.
The sluggard in today’s reading is trying to ‘stay home’ because of the ‘danger’ that awaits him if he doesn’t. We all know that it is a pretense. I doubt very much that he is able to convince even the ones he made this claim to of his impending danger. But he will do anything to avoid the effort associated with work.
I wonder what it was that ‘motivated him’ down this track. Is he simply a lazy person from birth? Does he see no value in work? Is he depressed and giving up? Does he believe he is too good for the work he is expected to perform? Is he burnt-out? Whatever his original reasons, he has gone far beyond the expected recovery time allowed for his ‘condition’. It’s time to GET UP & GET TO WORK.
Something else that just occurred to me about this excuse from the sluggard. Do you remember the story of the boy who cried wolf? He kept pretending that the wolf was attacking that when the wolf did attack, no one would believe him. The ‘sluggard’ is in the same position. He has made up so many excuses that he has lost all credibility. When he really is in need of a break, NO ONE will believe him. He will FOREVER carry the label of the ‘sluggard’.
Taking a rest when needed is NOT a sin. Never getting up from that ‘rest’ is. We are told by Paul, when dealing with such people, that he who doesn’t work doesn’t eat. A hard line to have to take. It is what those around the sluggard are forced into though by his behavior. If starvation won’t motivate him, nothing will. And there are some that Solomon says won’t even move their hand from the bowl to their mouth. Starvation is imminent for them.
I wonder what God would do with such a person. He would love them but I do NOT believe He would turn a blind eye to their behavior. I can see a rude awakening coming if they don’t change their ways
Father God, forgive me for the laziness in my life. I get busy doing things that are “more important” to me and I let other tasks slide. Help me put my priorities in their proper order; and KEEP them there. Help me also accomplish the tasks that I do need to do without falling even further behind. There is so much I want to accomplish right now. NEVER let me forget to put YOU first though. Having time with You actually makes me more productive. Thank You for that!