Proverbs 19:15 Sleepy

“I’m too sleepy to do _____.” Solomon shows us where using this excuse on a long term basis will lead us. It leaves us “hungry.”
We have another stand-alone verse today. This isn’t the first time Solomon has spoken of laziness. It was one of the characteristics in his initial description of a “foolish man” or sinful life. The laziness/sloth Solomon is speaking of isn’t just taking a day off here and there but a long term attitude.
IT IS OK TO TAKE A VACATION FROM WORK. Wanted to get that out there before we get too deep into our study.
We all need rest. God commanded Israel to rest on the Sabbath. He knew we all need a time of refreshing. He rested on the seventh day so He told His people to do the same. We are not under the law any longer but God’s directive to rest is just as important now as it ever was.
We are in a world that works itself to death. Two and three jobs just to make enough money to survive. Bosses who expect a 40+ hour work week. Commitments with our family that leave us rushing from one lesson or event to another. And the more children you have the busier your schedule.
I’m getting tired just thinking about this!
Sometimes my husband’s medical needs keep our calendar filled. Mine have done it for us lately. There are weeks where we only get to stay home one day in it. I, however, have a 24/7/365 job. I care for my husband. The only time off I get is when I have to run for a doctor’s appointment for myself and his mom sits with him. I’m stressed and hurrying any time this happens because she is not physically able to help him if something bad happens. It has at least twice. She calls me in a panic because he has fallen. I rush home to pick him up and reassure her that he is going to be alright.
But I have to admit to being lazy at times. Sometimes I put tasks off that I should do. I sometimes take a nap during the day. My laundry follows the adage: “Washing- 1 hour, Drying- 1 hour, Putting away- 5-7 working days.” When I finally get to the folding task it is Mt. Laundry. It doesn’t take long to chop it down into drawer sized boulders but it just takes me a while to get started.
I don’t ignore my other tasks. My husband’s needs are met quickly. Sometimes not as fast as he wants but until they invent a transporter, like on Star Trek, it takes me a few seconds to get to his side. I also try and leave early for all our appointments. My exercise has fallen by the wayside. After my foot heals I will get back on track there.
Solomon isn’t talking strictly about me. I fit a little of his example but those he is pointing out are so lazy they never get around to doing anything. They won’t even get off their couch to go to work. They are the epitome of a couch potato. They don’t work so they don’t eat.
Paul made this same comment about some of the Christians in his time. Everyone is supposed to be contributing something and if you don’t, you don’t get the benefits the others have brought. The story of The Little Red Hen comes to mind. She asked for help from her friends from the moment of planting seed to mixing the bread. NO ONE wanted to lift a finger to help, until it was time to eat the bread. None helped so none got to eat it.
It is interesting how hard someone has to work to avoid work. Making up excuses, ensuring they always look busy, and putting off all the people who attempts to reach out to them just to name a few things they have to do to avoid work. The famous “I have to wash my hair” probably makes the list of excuses.
God sees our hearts. He knows which of us are exhausted from working, working so no one really notices, doing as little work as possible, or doing everything to avoid working. He knows our motives too. They do NOT go beyond Him. And it hurts Him when we are too lazy to even spend time with Him. That should at least be a priority in our lives.
I got busy and forgot yesterday but He saw that in my heart too. Not a deliberate attempt to avoid our relationship but over committed to the things of my day. My usual routine was interrupted and it never got back on track.
Father God, thank You that I don’t have to beat myself up about missing out time yesterday. You know my heart and it is always towards You. Thank You for getting me back to normal today. Please forgive me for my laziness in household chores. I started the year again with good intentions but those didn’t make it past my birthday. I don’t want to feel stressed if I miss or put off a task but I would like to be more motivated to do them. Help me in this area Lord. You helped me establish a daily pattern of meeting with You so I know You can help me with the other tasks too. I look forward to seeing how You will answer this request.