Proverbs 18:20-21 Post A Guard

Solomon speaks to us today about the tongue and its power. We need to post a guard to watch over our tongue because it has so much power in our lives. The Holy Spirit is out BEST guard.
Our tongue is a very important and powerful part of our bodies. It has the power to bless or curse. Power to speak life or death. It reveals what is hidden in our heart. And with it confession is made unto righteousness. Jesus also said there is power in the tongue.
I want to add a quick note here. Those who cannot speak but use another form of communication have as much power in that “member” as the tongue holds. They too can bless and curse, speak life and death, reveal the hidden heart, and make confession unto righteousness. NO ONE is ‘mute’ in God’s book. He sees the heart no matter what the physical body’s limitations.
When I look at the first verse in our reading it brings to mind someone selling something. It could be a man in a market stall calling out to those who pass by to come try his wares. It could be a door to door salesman. A car salesman, a travel agent, insurance agent, and the one who keeps trying to sell me a car warranty. All of these people are dependent upon their ability to convince someone to purchase what they offer. Because of this they carefully watch what they say. They have to convince you that what they have to offer is the BEST available. They need to know their product well and use language that entices the customer, not drives them away. A salesman who uses profane words is not going to get many customers. Their ability to sell their product, whatever it is, is the difference from eating well and going hungry. If they sell nothing, they don’t eat.
Looking a little deeper in this verse I realized that we ALL are trying to ‘sell’ something. It could be your point of view in an argument, yourself to a potential mate, even your sincerity in an apology. If you can’t ‘sell’ your ‘product’ your life becomes more difficult. Winning a convert to your way of thinking, walking down the aisle with your chosen mate, and restoring a broken relationship ALL bring satisfaction. Some more than others. But it takes controlling your tongue just as carefully as any salesman would.
Literally life and death are in the tongue. We saw how a salesman who doesn’t control his tongue won’t eat. An argument gone bad can actually erupt into violence. But there is one use of the tongue that is the difference between eternal life and death. The confession of Jesus Christ as our Savior. “Because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved” (Romans 10:9).
The “believe in your heart” part is just as important. Jesus said, “The good person out of the good treasure of his heart produces good, and the evil person out of his evil treasure produces evil, for out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks” (Luke 6:45). This goes for everything you let come out of your mouth. For the tongue only reveals what is really in the heart. So “bridle” the tongue but clean the heart first.
Be diligent and KEEP cleaning your heart. This starts with what you let into it. In computer language “GIGO” (what goes in goes out). The first and most important ‘meal’ is God’s word. ‘Dining’ on that on a daily sets the stage for the rest of your ‘meals’. If it doesn’t ‘settle on your stomach’ it will be vomited out and you will learn what not to ‘eat’ in the future.
Father God, help me control my mouth. I know You have helped me control what spills out of my heart in other medias but sometimes my frustration bubbles out and strikes someone. Let this not continue. Let me speak life and love to those around me at ALL times. I know that’s a TALL order but it truly is what my heart wants.