Proverbs 17:9-13 Evil Stirred Up

Evil stirred up creates LOTS of problems. Solomon focuses on only a few but the ones he chooses have lifelong consequences. Some even mortal!
My bible helps puts these verses together as a contrast between the wise and foolish path. I have a feeling that all of Proverbs has this same underlying core. These verses identify severe consequences on the foolish path.
This first verse gives us a little glimpse of the righteous path before we are taken down a dark road. I wish we could just stay here. “Whoever covers an offense seeks love” (verse 9a). The person being spoken about isn’t hiding his own offense but that of someone he cares for. And the ‘covering’ simply means he isn’t repeating what he knows to anyone who will listen. He is NOT a gossip.
The ‘offense’ in question may even be against the one covering it. Instead of retribution, our righteous man seeks restoration. He forgives, then he releases the matter. Forgiven and forgotten.
We have to go on now. It’s time to look down the road of the fool or evil man.
We start right off with seeing the opposite of the man who refused to gossip. We see relationships destroyed because of tales told. Whether these tales are true or not doesn’t remove the damage that can be done. I know I’ve already shared my story about a false tale told. Fortunately I had a friend on the righteous path that covered it over. She wouldn’t let it go any farther. But gossip can tear friends, churches and even families apart. This is one way we get estranged relationships. Somebody singing another somebody done somebody wrong song and divisions develop.
Now we look at how hard it is to correct a “fool” when he sets his mind to doing wrong. Not because the advice given isn’t good or the rebuke not deserved. Just because of the stubbornness of the one being rebuked. It is also quite likely that the one on the evil path enjoys the sin they are in. You often have to hit bottom before you are ready to change. Sometimes ‘bottom’ is a LONG WAY down. The frog in the pot of water situation. He doesn’t realize how near death he is because the temperature has been rising gradually.
“An evil man seeks only rebellion” (verse 11a). I’m wondering if the “rebellion” mentioned here is against God or against people. All sin is a rebellion against God’s but is this rebellion on a secondary level? Crime is rebellion against society’s standards. Not all sin is considered criminal though. I believe that some that aren’t should be but that’s my personal opinion. The “cruel messenger” then could be ‘the long arm of the law’ reaching out to inflict punishment for that rebellious act. It could also be someone in the path of the ‘evil man’. “Lie down with dogs, get up with fleas.” In other words, being on an evil path puts you right in the path of others who are also doing evil.
I don’t want to meet the ‘fool in his folly’ that this verse warns against. There is real fear of mortal peril in this warning. I’m a ‘mama bear’ when it comes to my kids but I don’t have physical claws that can rip you to shreds. I can think of a few examples of evil this dangerous. Joining a gang, running drugs, and smuggling are some that come to mind. NO WAY do I want anything to do with this kind of life or those who are involved in it!
The last verse in our reading today speaks of how God protects His people. He says that vengeance is His and that He watches over His children. I believe HE is the one who will ensure the just reward for those who return evil for good. When Jesus told His disciples to “turn the other cheek” He did NOT say that there wouldn’t be consequences for the actions of the aggressor. What I believe He meant was to leave those consequences in God’s hands. Evil for good is NOT forgotten or overlooked by God. In Jesus’ own life He talked about how those who were persecuting Him were going to be FAR worse off than even the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomora on the Day of Judgment. Jesus didn’t strike back but God would call for a reckoning. That’s a WORSE end than the she-bear can inflict! Returning evil for good has eternal consequences.
Father God, PLEASE don’t let me even set foot on the ‘evil’ path! Grab me by the scruff of the neck if need be. I know I fail and sin at times but I don’t EVER want to let that become a way of life for me!!! Keep me on YOUR path Father.
Holy Spirit speak LOUD AND CLEAR in my life. I don’t want to move without You. Thank You for speaking into my life, past, present and future. I KNOW I am never alone. Thank You for being with me always.