Proverbs 13:10 Ears, Shut or Open

Attitude makes a LOT of difference in how we interact with one another. Do you know it all – ears shut, or are you willing to listen – ears open.
We are taking these verses one by one for right now because they are so different from their neighbors. That’s also the way my bible helps has them broken down. This verse hits right in the heart, if we are willing to listen.
The first thing I wanted to do when looking at this verse was to define the word insolence. defines insolence as: contemptuously rude or impertinent behavior or speech. So now what is impertinent? Again, defined by, impertinent is: intrusive or presumptuous, as persons or their actions; insolently rude; uncivil. I’m sure we could go on forever defining each word but I think we get the meaning. Someone who is rude in their behavior or speech.
This person attitude isn’t a “one off” or a one-time offence. This is their pattern of behavior. They believe they have all the answers and refuse to listen to anyone else’s point of view. Advice is wasted on them and probably thrown back in the person’s face who offered it. They truly believe themselves superior to others.
I must admit that I have encountered such instances as this in my life. And they were coming from me. My past illogical arguments are prime examples. I don’t believe that this was my consistent pattern of behavior though. This attitude came out when I was highly stressed. I might need to ask my mom about this though as we don’t always see our own faults too clearly. I believe I have changed though through God’s grace.
Taking or seeking advice does NOT make one look weak or stupid. It is a mark of true wisdom. Others have walked this path before you. They have insight into hidden obstacles along the way that you might not even have thought of. Listening to their advice may keep you from falling into some of the worst traps along the way.
It is important to weigh the advice you get too. Don’t just blindly follow anyone’s advice. Is the advice from a godly person? Do they have experience in what they are advising you on or is it just their opinion? Have they made sound judgments in their own lives? Are they a person of good character?
ALL these questions need to be addressed when receiving advice. Rehoboam found this out the hard way. He listened to the wrong group of advisors. Those who had NO experience in ruling a nation are the ones he chose to listen to. We know how that worked out! But it was part of God’s plan.
He didn’t go against Rehoboam’s nature though. He let him be his own usual self, then He used those actions to fulfill the prophecy He had spoken. He KNEW what Rehoboam would do before he was even born. He doesn’t make us insolent or wise either. We choose that on our own. But when we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, He helps us change the past patterns of our life. He helps us become the man or woman He created us to be.
Father God, THANK YOU for all the work You have done in my life. I know I still have a LONG way to go before I am consistently the woman You created me to be. I get exasperated at times and I also react rudely at times. Please forgive me Father and help me change this forever. Create in me a clean heart. Wash the ways that are contrary to Yours away, again. Renew Your right spirit in me.