Proverb 27:23-27 Attend Well

God, through Solomon, is telling us to attend well to what He has given us. NOT to look to it as your strength and salvation, but as tools He has given you.
“Know well the condition of your flocks, and give attention to your herds, for riches do not last forever” (verses 23-24a).God is acknowledging that these things have made His people ‘rich’. There is food and clothing for His people. There are good crops and safe borders. Things were good in the land of Israel when Solomon ruled the nation.
But if you don’t prepare for tomorrow, it will sneak up on you. Nothing lasts forever and there will come a time when resources are less. Therefore, be wise with what you have. Tend your flocks. ‘Invest’ in people and things that have Kingdom consequences. Pass on a good inheritance to your children; the most important being faith in Jesus. “Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master” (Matthew 25:21).
We are NOT, however, to place our trust or hope in these material things. God is our ONLY hope. HE meets our needs. And what He gives to us is to be used, not horded ‘for an emergency’. This doesn’t mean that we can’t have savings accounts or even reserves. What it does mean is that we DO NOT hold so tightly to those savings that when we see our brother in need we turn a blind eye.
On a personal note, please prepare ahead of time what is to be done with the resources you have after you leave this world. You won’t be taking them with you and if you don’t set something down in writing, it leaves a BIG mess for your family to deal with. I’m helping my children sort through this process with regard to their father, my ex-husband.
Money, though, is NOT the only thing we are to ‘invest’. We need to invest our time wisely as well. Spend time with your loved ones. Tell them you love them every chance you get. If you have a grievance, settle it quickly, for tomorrow is not promised. And spend EVERY moment you are given in a way that honors the Lord. Even the ones that aren’t as ‘honoring’ can be redeemed by learning well the lessons learned in them.
Father God, thank You for ALL You have given me. The beautiful children You gave me to raise. The amazing grandchildren You have blessed me with. A truly loving husband You have brought me after I was so broken. The finances You have blessed me with that I can share with others in little ways. A warm and loving home. And talents that I can use for the benefit of my family and others.
MOST OF ALL, THANK YOU for my SPIRITUAL BLESSINGS! The blessing of being Your daughter. The joy of my salvation because of ALL Jesus did for me. The promise of what is still to come. And for the opportunities You have provided for me to share Your love with others. I pray there is a great ‘return’ on this investment for Your Kingdom.