Numbers 17 Bearing Fruit

The Lord is not finished showing the people whom HE has chosen. This time, it is proven by bearing fruit in an impossible place.
I am no gardener! I tell my family that I have TEN black thumbs. I do have two plants that survive. They live on my porch and my only duty is to give them a glass of water a day. They are even STILL blooming in our winter weather. Go figure!
God is going to take something that is DEFINITELY DEAD and make it, not only bloom, but bear fruit. He does this so that the people will have NO DOUBT as to whom He has chosen to stand between them and Him. This comes on the heels of two HARD lessons on this same topic. Will they learn their lesson this time? Let’s join our story and see.
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The people are still hurting from the loss of so many among them. Moses’ heart feels for them, but he KNOWS that the Lord’s judgment was MUCH less than it could have been. The people had sinned greatly.
God knows their pain too. His anger has abated. This was a lesson that HAD to be settled. He KNOWS the people too, and KNOWS that there needs to be a different kind of lesson to truly cement this lesson in their hearts and minds. He has the perfect lesson ready for them.
Moses is with the Lord the same evening that 14,700 of the congregation died. He feels the heaviness of his own spirit and a heaviness in the Spirit of the Lord.
“Moses, the lesson is not complete.”
“What lesson Lord” Moses asks with a bit of trepidation.
“The lesson of exactly WHOM I have chosen.”
“I thought You settled that today” Moses says with sorrow filling his voice.
“It should have been settled the first time, with Korah. But this is a stubborn and stiff-necked people. They will need more before it is truly settled in their hearts that I have called you and Aaron as My own.”
Moses sighs. There is no use denying it. “What do You have in mind Lord?”
“Speak to the people of Israel, and get from them staffs, one for each fathers’ house, from all their chiefs according to their fathers’ houses, twelve staffs. Write each man’s name on his staff, and write Aaron’s name on the staff of Levi. For there shall be one staff for the head of each fathers’ house. Then you shall deposit them in the tent of meeting before the testimony, where I meet with you. And the staff of the man whom I choose shall sprout. Thus I will make to cease from me the grumblings of the people of Israel, which they grumble against you.” (Numbers 17:2-5)
“And what will You do with these staves Lord?”
“Wait and see. It will be unmistakable.”
Moses finishes his time with the Lord, then goes to call the people together.
Aaron joins Moses after blowing the silver trumpets.
“Why are we calling an assembly Moses?”
“Because the Lord wants to make CERTAIN that the people know He has chosen us as His own.”
“Please tell me that this will not include more death.”
“I don’t believe it will. It will require your staff though.”
“I am more than happy to surrender my staff for such a purpose.”
The people had been assembling while Aaron and Moses spoke. Everyone is now ready to hear what Moses has to say. They are further back than normal. They are still afraid. The dead are still being carried outside the camp from the Lord’s judgment on them earlier today.
“The Lord knows that there is still some grumbling among the people, as to whom the Lord has chosen to stand between Himself and the people. He has promised to show us HIS will in this.”
The people start backing away. Moses calls to them; “Put down your fears. The Lord is not going to strike you. This is HIS idea. His plan.”
The people stop retreating, but they don’t advance either. Shaking his head, Moses tells the people what the Lord requires.
“The Lord calls for one staff from each of the tribes of Israel. The head of that tribe’s name shall be written on it. I will place all these staves together in front of the Lord. He will show us in an unmistakable way whom He has chosen from among us.”
“How will He show us” comes from the back of the crowd.
“He hasn’t shared that with me, but He has promised that the sign will be unmistakable.”
Moses waited while the leaders of each tribe brought their staffs to him and inscribed their names on them. Once he had one from each tribe and Aaron’s staff, he laid them across his arms and went to the Tent of Meeting. Aaron walked with him so he could pull back to door. Moses went in alone and laid all the staves on the ground in front of the altar of incense.
Once he was finished, Moses returned to stand before the people. “We will gather again in the morning and see what wonders the Lord has worked.”
Many of the leaders had trouble sleeping that night, wondering what the Lord would do. Moses and Aaron were not among them. They KNEW that the Lord had called them. And if He changed His mind, they would graciously step aside.
Morning came and the people were all gathered at the entrance of the Tabernacle when Moses opened his door. “I won’t have to call an assembly” he thought to himself. Once he reached his place, he called the elders of the tribes to join him. “The men whose staves I took yesterday, please step forward to receive them back.”
The men moved to the front of the crowd and waited. When they were all in place, Moses turned to the Tent of Meeting and went to retrieve the staves. As soon as he entered the Tent, he nearly fell on his face. Even from the doorway, Moses could see that one staff was VERY unique. He was certain he already knew the name carved on the staff, but he checked anyway. He was right; it was Aarons. Moses gathered all the staves into his arms and exited the Tent. With a smile a mile wide on his face, he returned to the people.
“Each of you come up and take your staff.”
Moses waited while each man stepped forward. He could see by their faces that they KNEW their staves were not the one chosen. Their eyes ALL turned to Aaron’s staff. For the dead piece of wood that Aaron used as a walking stick was now holding leaves, buds, blossoms, and fully ripe almonds.
Once all the staves had been returned to their owners, Moses asked each man to hold his staff aloft so the people could see them. Aaron’s staff received GREAT praise.
“Look at that!” “The Lord promised an unmistakable sign.” “There can be no doubt whom the Lord has chosen.” “Amazing!” These are just some of the reactions of the congregation that flowed in that moment.
Moses looked out into the congregation and asked; “Is there ANYONE who still doubts the Lord’s choice to lead the people?”
God spoke to Moses again, saying; “Put back the staff of Aaron before the testimony, to be kept as a sign for the rebels, that you may make an end of their grumblings against me, lest they die.” (Numbers 17:10)
“Aaron, I need to put your staff back in the Tent of Meeting with the Lord. It has become holy.”
Aaron handed Moses his staff and Moses placed it again in front of the altar of incense. When he returned to the people, they cried out.
“Behold, we perish, we are undone, we are all undone. Everyone who comes near, who comes near to the tabernacle of the Lord, shall die. Are we all to perish?” (Numbers 12-13)
“Aaron and his sons are the only ones who can come near the Tent of Meeting and not die. You will not perish, because the Lord has put him in the place to bear your sins before the Lord. NO ONE else will be allowed to stand in this place.”
Heads nodded throughout the people. There would be no more conflict over this issue.
(to be continued)
Father God, You are AMAZING! There is NOTHING impossible for You. Aaron’s staff had done many things for the people of Israel. It had become a serpent, it had stirred the ground, struck the water, and now budded to life. I wonder if Moses was tempted for even at second to sample the almonds that grew from it.
I haven’t experienced any signs that clear in my life, but I haven’t needed one that badly either. The signs that You have given me are sufficient. Thank You for each and every one of them! I have trouble with knowing for certain that You have called me to do things. I appreciate every time You confirm Your callings for me.