Numbers 14 Rebellion

The people are in rebellion against the Lord. They have believed the bad report. But when told they can’t go in, they try it on their own. And fail miserably!
How many times have we cried, “I’ll do it” after being told we missed our chance? Or willfully pushing our way into places where we have been told not to go? If you are anything like, the strong-willed child, you won’t be able to count them all. In child development courses, we a told never to say to a child “Don’t _____”, but to use the words you want them to do. An example would be: “Sit in your chair” instead of “Don’t sit on the table”. Kids seem to ignore the word “don’t” and follow the words that follow it.
Israel is in BIG trouble because they refused to follow the Lord into the Promised Land, as Caleb and Joshua pleaded with them to do. God was VERY angry with them. He was ready to wipe them out and start over again. Moses’ pleas softened His heart. But there were still VERY STIFF consequences for the people. Those included in the census would NOT be allowed to go into the land. They missed their chance. Let’s join them and see how they react to the news.
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Moses is exhausted after pleading with God on the people’s behalf. He reaches out for Aaron’s hand as he rises from his knees. Aaron knows the Lord has spoken to him but he doesn’t know what the message was. The effect of the Lord’s speaking to Moses was enough to drive those who wanted to stone them back to their tents.
Moses looks around. “Where are our accuser’s?”
“They have all fled to their tents.”
“Call the people please Aaron. They need to hear the results of their sin.”
Aaron quickly retrieves the silver trumpets and hands one to Caleb to play. The people cautiously begin to gather.
“I’m sorry, my lord Moses” is spoken by many of the people. Moses acknowledges the speakers by a slight head nod, but nothing more. He knows that he is not the one they should be apologizing to.
Once everyone is in place, Moses begins the share God’s decision with them. All eyes are on him as he begins.
“The Lord is NOT happy with this people. Not only have you thrown His gift to you back in His face, but you have again designed to choose your own leader. GOD CHOSE ME to lead His people. I would step aside ONLY IF HE tells me to do so. And He has not.”
Moses looked around at the people. Many heads hung in shame, while others still stood proud. “It’s time they knew the rest” he thinks to himself. He takes a deep breath and continues.
“The Lord has decreed that NO ONE on the rolls of the census will enter into the Promised Land. The only exceptions are for Caleb and Joshua, who believed in the Lord’s ability to do all that He had promised. The lord has decreed that you will die in the wilderness. We will be wanderers for 40 years; one year for each day the spies were in the land. Our children will be the ones that the Lord takes into the land. This is His final word on the matter.”
The people cry out for forgiveness! “We will go now!” “We will trust in Him!” “Let us prove it now.”
“There is no changing His mind. He was ready to kill you all where you stood, and He softened to this point. You will NOT go.”
The gathering begins to break up and the people, heartbroken, walk beck to their tents.
By morning a new sentiment has filled the camp. “I don’t know about you, but I’m going in anyway.” Plans are quickly thrown together to take the hill country just across the boarder from where they are.
Moses and Aaron catch wind of their plans and go up to the hillside where the people are assembling. Moses pleads with them NOT to do this. “Why now are you transgressing the command of the Lord, when that will not succeed? Do not go up, for the Lord is not among you, lest you be struck down before your enemies. For there the Amalekites and the Canaanites are facing you, and you shall fall by the sword. Because you have turned back from following the Lord, the Lord will not be with you.” (Numbers 14:41-43)
“Then come with us! We will succeed if you come with us.”
“I will NOT disobey the Lord! If you choose to go, you go alone, and at your own peril.”
“We are going.”
Minutes later, the men, armed for battle, march forward. They looked like a mighty fighting force as they entered the hill country. Moses watches silently as they march to their doom.
From out of nowhere, the whole army is set upon. The Amalekites and the Canaanites rushed out from their cities and begin slaughtering the people. The armies of Israel turn tail and start running back to their camp. The Amalekites and the Canaanites followed them all the way to the boundaries of their country. Then, they stood and laughed as the men of Israel kept running, all the way to their camp.
Moses saw them coming and shook his head. “Well, there go the first of many” he thinks. “Forty years for the rest of them to fall.” This hurt, but Moses knew it would happen just as the Lord said.
Thousands lay dead on the battlefield. Moses doubted that the Amalekites and the Canaanites would allow anyone to collect the bodies for burial.
(to be continued)
Father God, for EVERY time I pushed when You already said “No”, I’m sorry. I’m glad I haven’t had to learn the lesson to the same degree those in Israel did. You have shown me great mercy that I in NO WAY deserve. Help me stop pushing when You say ‘enough’.