Nehemiah 12:27-43 On The Wall
We are back to looking at the wall of Jerusalem. It is time to dedicate it to the Lord. It happens with people on the wall praising Him.
I don’t know when exactly this happened. It could have happened after the month of celebration or it could have happened soon after the wall was finished. I’m leaning towards a later date because the singers had to be gathered from around the region first. “And at the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem they sought the Levites in all their places, to bring them to Jerusalem to celebrate the dedication with gladness, with thanksgivings and with singing, with cymbals, harps, and lyres” (verse 27).
This was indeed a joyous time! ALL the people would join in, including the women and children. Not everyone would participate in the formal dedication but all would rejoice at the event none the less. The sound could be heard for miles around.

The walking of the wall here reminds me of when the children of Israel circled the wall at Jericho. When their circled Jericho they were silent until the last time around on the last day. Their shouts of praise brought down the house! This time their shouts of praise sealed the deal.
Nehemiah divided the officials into two groups and sent them in opposite directions. I wonder if they spread out along the wall to take up all the space or if them marched in a procession, following the singers. I can picture both scenarios. Men standing shoulder to shoulder or a few feet apart around the whole perimeter of the wall. Raising their hands, instruments, and voices in praise to the Lord! Or men marching in time to the sound of the music claiming every foot of the wall as they passed for the glory of the Lord.
When the wall was thoroughly claimed, the groups met up again at the Temple. I have a feeling they started from this location and returned to it from the opposite direction. Once reunited they held another praise ceremony that included offering sacrifices to the Lord. What an amazing day that must have been!
We have the right to do the same for our homes. We can claim it back from this world and commit it to His purposes. I remember something like that happening when I was a child. We had experienced demons in our home and we called for the church to come stand with us. Together we claimed every corner of the property and house back from Satan’s hand and asked God to put a hedge of protection around it and us. We never again dealt with Satan’s visible attacks while in that home. God is faithful to His children and will care for what we place in His hands!
Father God, I give You my home. I may not be the one who holds the deed to this property at this time but it is MY home and I give it to YOU. From the southeast corner of the cow pasture to the southwest corner. From the northwest corner of the cow pasture to the northeast point in our yard. And every inch that lies in between. I give it all to You. I can’t physically walk it today but I can do so in the spirit with Your Spirit. Restore health to us and keep us healthy. Watch over our minds and hearts so that we show Your love in all we do. Watch over all that transpires here. Let no one take advantage of those who shelter here. Be with us as we make decisions as to how to use the property and bless those endeavors. Bless all who enter here and shelter here. Let them feel Your presence and KNOW that they have come to holy ground. Bless the well and the ground. Bless the fruit trees and the fields. Let them bring forth in abundance good yields. Watch over the animals that shelter here. Give my cats great eyes and quick speed to dispatch all intruders that would spoil our homes (mice, gophers, moles, etc…). Put Your hand of protection on all we own and prevent rust and decay from stealing from us what You have provided. Remind us daily of Your blessings and let us bless others with what You have provided. In Your name I pray Lord Jesus. Amen! This is MY Jerusalem! The place where my God is honored above ALL else!