Micah 5:1-6 From Bethlehem

We see Micah foretell the coming of the Messiah. He will come from Bethlehem, an unassuming town in the territory of Judah.
I’m wondering if this is one of the verses that are searched out when the wise men stop at Harrod’s palace for directions. This passage clearly leads one to the Messiah being born in Bethlehem. These verses also tells us that the Messiah will be a “shepherd” to His people.
The Messiah isn’t going to prevent them from being taken into exile though. He will come AFTER this. And His coming has been planned from the beginning, in which HE was a part of. Did this blow the minds of those who heard Micah speak these words? They were a people steeped in sin and idolatry at the time. Were they ignoring him? Did they even try to understand? Did they carry the memory of this message with them when they went into exile?
I find it interesting that God plainly tells the people that their Messiah would be a “shepherd” for them. He doesn’t call Him a king or a ruler. A king or ruler are isolated from the people they are actually caring for through several layers of authority. But a shepherd is right there with his sheep all the time. He protects them from predators. He leads them to where there is food or water. He cares for the sick or wounded. He searches for those that wander off. He LIVES with them day in and day out. His voice is familiar to them. They know him intimately. His sheep will follow NO ONE else.
This is our Shepherd. He doesn’t rule by delegating others to deal with our needs. He is intimately concerned with EVERY aspect of our lives. He leads us to THE Source that nourishes our lives. He protects us from the enemy. He comes after us when we wander off. He heals our broken hearts and binds up our wounds. He LIVES in us in the form of the Holy Spirit. The longer we are with Him the more we understand that there is NO life without Him. We learn His voice. NOTHING can take His place.
Jesus will rule as King one day, but He will still “shepherd” those who are HIS. He will rule the nations with authority while still maintaining that personal connection with those who are His. And those who are His are the ones who surrender their lives to Him. This includes ALL who come to Him. Not just the Jew but the Gentile as well.
NONE will be able to stand against our King. He will both reign supreme AND be our peace. We are told that there will be no more war. We won’t have a world FREE of all conflict, but that conflict will NOT reach the point of bloodshed. At least until Satan is released on the earth again.
Father God, You made plans for Jesus to be my Messiah from the beginning of time. NOTHING has derailed Your plan and NOTHING ever will. Each step has been planned out; including the ones that look like such MAJOR failures. They weren’t failures. Just places for growth. And I’ve had some AMAZING growth lessons.
Thank You Jesus for being my Shepherd. I’m STILL learning to discern Your voice more clearly each day. Thank You for protecting me from harm, even of my own making. I look forward to seeing where You lead me next. I know that wherever it is, You will be with me and it is the perfect place for me at that time.