Matthew 19:27-29 The Disciples’ Reward

Jesus and His disciples had just encountered the rich young man. He went away sorrowful because of Jesus’ requirement that God be first in his life. Now it is just Jesus and His disciples together in whatever location this is.
Jesus has just told His disciples how difficult it is for the rich to enter Heaven. The disciples want to know who can enter Heaven then. No one, apart from Jesus. With man it is impossible, but with God all things are possible.
Peter asks about the disciples’ commitment. They have given up everything to follow Jesus. Will they have a place in God’s Kingdom? Will God reward them for their sacrifice?
Jesus answers Peter’s question by telling them what it will be like in the “new world.” When Jesus finally sits on his “glorious throne”, the disciples who followed Jesus will also sit on twelve thrones of their own. They will judge the tribes of Israel. Jesus promises them the best result for their allegiance but also states that anyone who gives up their family or home or lands FOR HIS NAME’S SAKE will receive a hundred times as much in return, as well as inherit eternal life. Is Paul going to occupy the throne that Judas gave up or is Matthias, the disciple that was appointed at Pentecost, going to sit there?
The reward of eternal life is so much more important than any other reward. The things that God asks us to give up for the sake of following Him are not lost but transferred into our Heavenly account. God also cares for our earthly needs when we follow Him. He promises to care for, as surely as He cares for the sparrows and the lilies.
Because of our vantage point in history, we know that Jesus is not talking about what will happen in His lifetime, but what will happen when He returns again to rule for 1,000 years. Peter and the other disciples were all probably more convinced than ever now that Jesus was going to take the throne in Israel and kick Rome out. This must have been music to the disciples’ ears! They had been lobbying for Jesus to become King since they started following Him. They were not buying into what Jesus said would happen. No way was Peter prepared to stand by and let Jesus words be fulfilled.
Father God, thank You that You provide eternal life with You for anyone willing to ask of You. That gift alone is enough of a reason to follow You, but that is not the end of Your promises. You care for me so completely. You have proven Yourself so faithful. I also look forward to seeing what You have prepared for me in Heaven.
I also suffer from Peter’s problem too. I think I know what is best and I ignore what doesn’t fit my formula. I try very hard to sit still and listen but I get impatient or get some idea in my head and think I should run with it. I REALLY want to know what Your plan is, but I’m not always certain it’s Your voice I hear speaking. Please teach me how to listen. Make Your voice so clear that I will never mistake another voice for Yours.