Malachi 3:6-15 Robbing God

God confronts Israel regarding their dedication to His Laws. They are robbing God, no only in tithes and offerings but in affection and trust.
Tithes is often a touchy subject for many Christians. I will admit that it has been for me over the years. Part of the issue for today’s Christian is that tithes and prescribed offerings are part of the Law which God gave to the people and which Jesus fulfilled. As recipients of a new covenant, we are not given specific instructions on how much to give, but we ARE told to give.
When God instituted the tithe, it was for the support of the Temple and the Levites. They were not given any portion of the land as an inheritance. They had small portions, in and around the cities, that they could live on and work but they belonged to the whole tribe. What the Levites produced was not enough to provide for the daily needs of the Temple. The tithe also helped to support the poor. NO ONE got ‘rich’ on the tithe. And NONE were exempt from it. Even the poor returned a portion of what they had received as a testament to God’s goodness to them.
The tithe wasn’t the only thing that would be brought to the Temple. God encouraged His people to bring offerings, above what was prescribed in the Law. There were many prescribed offerings/sacrifices for different things that either came regularly on the calendar or happened in a persons’ life. But, giving above these were the “Freewill offerings” that came from the heart. Not one of grudging requirement but one of love and dedication or special joy.
As believers in the new covenant, we are to bring our offerings with joy. We aren’t told when, what, where, how, and why to bring specific items as offerings. But we are given the command to love our brothers as ourselves, to care for those in need, and to bring offerings with a joyful heart. We are told to seek God in regard to our giving and to give with purpose. Throwing the change you have on hand as the ‘plate passes’, out of guilt or to look good to others, is NOT what God calls us to do today. He calls us to love. To “purpose in our heart” what we will give and to give it as worship to Him. I am linking an article/video from regarding the tithe, for your information.
My husband’s health doesn’t allow us to attend a regular church. We have no ‘body of believers’ to help support. What we have chosen to do is to search out charities that we believe are helping people that God would approve of. We have several that we regularly give to. I don’t know what ‘percentage’ of our income that takes up, but it is what we have agreed upon. We also give without question when we see a need that we can fill. NOT to impress some person or make them feel obligated, but as a gift to God. I don’t know what others think of our ‘method’ of giving, but I believe it is what God has called us to do.
I have a song that I learned when I was a child that actually references this portion of scripture. I have noticed that, when I sing it, I sometimes feel condemned for not adhering strictly to the tithe contained in the Law. I say condemned instead of convicted because I believe it is Satan trying to tear me down. He likes to hit us wherever we are vulnerable. He looks for ‘cracks’ in our armor. This is one ‘crack’ that I believe God is sealing up for me today!
Did you notice that ‘finances’ weren’t the only things that God said they were “robbing” Him of? He also addresses the people’s attitude regarding the VALUE in serving Him. The people were complaining that they didn’t see a big difference in the state of one serving God and one rejecting Him. Even David spoke of seeing those who reject God as prospering while some of His people struggle. ALL our blessings will NOT come this side of Heaven. We will have an ETERNITY with Him as our reward. They will suffer an eternity separated from Him. THAT difference alone is worth MORE than all the diamonds, silver and gold this world has to offer!!!
Father God, THANK YOU for all the blessings You have brought in my life. The ones that come with MORE than ‘dollar signs’. The blessings of health, time, family, friends, safety, food for my belly, a roof over my head, RUNNING WATER, and electricity even. Thank You also for the finances You have blessed our household with. I know that I sometimes get nervous about what ‘tomorrow’ will bring in this area. Forgive me for that Father, for NO MATTER WHAT COMES, YOU will STILL be with me and care for me. This I KNOW for CERTAIN!
Thank You for allowing me to bless others with what You have provided. I pray I’m blessing others with MORE than just dollar signs. I pray that what I give of myself will be used for Your Kingdom. And that I shine YOUR light with EVERY gift or act I give. Even the ones that I don’t specifically dedicate to You.
I know that I worry about what the bank account says too much. I have also started ‘trying to rush the month’ lately. Forgive me for that Father. Help me to lean on You in ALL things and STOP trying to manage everything instead of enjoying our time together. I am in NO WAY struggling, even though we have new obligations. Help me settle into a grateful attitude again, instead of one filled with trepidation. ALL I HAVE I GIVE TO YOU. This means ALL of ME, not just the bank balance.