Joshua Crossing Over

The camp is ready. Crossing over the Jordan is only three days away. There are steps that have to be done before this event though. A MIRACLE is in store!
When reading over this story today, I saw something that I hadn’t seen before. Not the first time that has happened, and certainly no the last. But I had to go back and change the ending of my last two stories just a little bit to account for this undiscovered event.
Once the call went out for the people to be ready to cross in three days, they also moved closer to the Jordan. They left Shittim and moved to the overflowing banks of the river. They camped there for the remaining three days. It was also in this place that they would consecrate themselves to the Lord.
My telling of this story is probably going to be a little long. I already had one portion that I shared before in ‘first person’ format. It will be in the middle of it all now. Let’s join the people as they ready for, and experience, another AMAZING miracle of the Lord.
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The people of Israel were packed and ready within two hours of the call going out. They were quite practiced at this. As soon as the pillar of cloud rose from above the Tabernacle, the trumpets signaled the tribe of Judah to move out.
The whole camp was on the move within another two hours. They knew they wouldn’t be going too far, as Joshua’s message said that they would cross the Jordan in three days. So, where were they going today?
It took most of the day for the camp to move right up to the bank of the Jordan. The pillar of cloud had settled just far enough from the river to allow for the western side of the camp to settle in safety. There were many Imas that were grateful that their tents were farther away. It would be a full-time job keeping up with the children for the next three days. No one wanted to lose a child to the river!
As twilight settled on the camp, the beginning of the new day was marked. Excitement is running high as word from the spies visit flows through the camp.
“The people are afraid of us! They know our God fights for us. He is about to give them into our hands, just as He promised.”
Once the evening meal is over, Imas put their children to bed. Many are breathing a sigh of relief for their safety so close to the rushing river. It will be a LONG three days for them. Several of the more responsible older children have already been tasked with watching over the younger children.
Morning of day one brings building anticipation. The countdown has begun. The whole camp is alive with it. It’s not just the children who are having a hard time containing it. Many of the adults have found an excuse to stand on the banks of the Jordan and look toward their future. Conversation centers on wondering exactly how the Lord is going to get them into the land.
Some who were children during the exodus from Egypt remember the Red Sea crossing.
“Do you think God is going to do that again?” one of the Abba’s says to another.
“At least we won’t be being chased by an army this time.”
They both stand silent for a little while. When the second man speaks, he has a wistful look in his eye. “Do you remember the excitement of that night? What it was like to see the wall of water on either side of us?”
“I DO! I remember being afraid it would fall on us and drown us all.”
“I remember wanting to explore it. It took my Ima’s firm hand to keep me moving forward.”
“I can imagine that of you. You always were the curious one.”
Twilight brings day one to a close and the beginning of day two. The children are even harder to get to sleep this night.
“When are we going to go Ima?”
“When the Lord tells Joshua to move out. We will have to wait our turn though, just like all the rest of the times we moved.”
“We are the closest to the river. Why can’t we go first this time?”
“Because that is not how the Lord told us to do it. We must follow HIS instructions if we are to have any success in the new land. For only when we obey Him does He bless us.” Ima pauses a moment and sees the stubbornness in her child’s eyes. “You do want Him to bless us, don’t you?”
“Yes Ima.”
“Then obey Him. It’s that simple.”
With a deep sigh the child finally surrenders his will. “Yes Ima” he says before snuggling under his cover for the night.
When morning dawns, Joshua is watching the morning sacrifice. The Lord speaks to him as he watches.
“Have the people consecrate themselves to me today. Tomorrow I will begin to elevate you in the eyes of the people.”
As soon as the sacrifice was burning on the altar, Joshua sent word throughout the camp. “Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you.”
Everyone stopped and took stock of their hearts and where they were in their relations with their neighbors. If any had sin in their hearts, either towards the Lord or their neighbor, they immediately began working on making it right. This kept the Levites busy all day long.
Imas bathed their children and scrubbed until only fresh skin shown through. They also washed and readied the family’s best robes. Everyone wanted everything perfect for the day to come.
This was the HARDEST night ever when it came to getting the children to sleep; and many of the adults too. Everyone was excited. Twilight had them in their third day. They were certain that the Lord would have them moving in the morning.
Before the sun even broke over the horizon, the camp was packed and ready to go. The men made their way to the Tabernacle to meet with Joshua. He didn’t even have to call them together.
Joshua was up and ready too when the people began to gather. He smiled at all of them. He knew their excitement, for he felt it too. He was also wrestling with a few procedural concerns. Should he let the Levites make the morning sacrifice? If they did, it would take some time for it to completely burn away. Would the Lord have them stay in place for that? Of should they break down the Tabernacle now, and be ready when the Lord summons them?
Joshua’s answer was made clear to him when he saw the pillar rise from above the Tabernacle. The sacrifice would wait. The Levites immediately began breaking down the Tabernacle. They were well practiced at this, making the work go quicker, but they dare not hurry to the point of making mistakes. The people watched as the Levites went about their work. None dared approach and offer help. This was the Lord’s work and ONLY those called to do it would be allowed to participate.
Once the Tabernacle was safely stored in its places, Joshua addressed the Levites and the crowd. To the Levites Joshua gave these orders: “Take up the ark of the covenant and pass on before the people.” (Joshua 2:6a) “When you come to the brink of the waters of the Jordan, you shall stand still in the Jordan.” (Joshua 3:8b)
To the people, Joshua gave these instructions: “As soon as you see the ark of the covenant of the Lord your God being carried by the Levitical priests, then you shall set out from your place and follow it. Yet there shall be a distance between you and it, about 2,000 cubits in length. Do not come near it, in order that you may know the way you shall go, for you have not passed this way before.” (Joshua 3:3-4)
As soon as Joshua had given them their instructions, the men hurried back to their individual campsites to await their turn to move out. This would be the first time that the Ark proceeded the people. It had always been in the middle of the procession.
In a loud voice, Joshua called for the priests to take up the Ark and go before the people to the bank of the Jordan river. There was no need for the trumpet to sound this time. The people began filing from their places and following the Ark as soon as it proceeded from the camp.
Joshua was right behind the priests. The Lord spoke to Joshua as he followed the Ark.
“Today I will begin to exalt you in the sight of all Israel, that they may know that, as I was with Moses, so I will be with you.” (Joshua 3:7b)
Once they reached the river, Joshua called for the priests to stop before stepping in. He addressed the people now.
“Here is how you shall know that the living God is among you and that he will without fail drive out from before you the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Hivites, the Perizzites, the Girgashites, the Amorites, and the Jebusites. Behold, the ark of the covenant of the Lord of all the earth is passing over before you into the Jordan. Now therefore take twelve men from the tribes of Israel, from each tribe a man. And when the soles of the feet of the priests bearing the ark of the Lord, the Lord of all the earth, shall rest in the waters of the Jordan, the waters of the Jordan shall be cut off from flowing, and the waters coming down from above shall stand in one heap.” (Joshua 3:10-13
Once the twelve men were appointed, they stepped to where Joshua was standing. Joshua signaled the priests to step into the water. The water immediately stopped flowing as far as the people’s eyes could see downstream. The ground dried up in an instant and a path through the Jordan lay before the people. Joshua then gave the twelve men special instructions.
“Pass on before the ark of the Lord your God into the midst of the Jordan, and take up each of you a stone upon his shoulder, according to the number of the tribes of the people of Israel, 6 that this may be a sign among you. When your children ask in time to come, ‘What do those stones mean to you?’ 7 then you shall tell them that the waters of the Jordan were cut off before the ark of the covenant of the Lord. When it passed over the Jordan, the waters of the Jordan were cut off. So these stones shall be to the people of Israel a memorial forever.”
Even on dry ground, it still takes all day for the people to make their way across the Jordan. Camp after camp peels off from the body of the whole camp, until the last tribe begins to move. It’s hard waiting when you are part of the last tribe. They are closest to the river and have to watch as the procession moves around you. Parents have to work very hard to keep their children’s eyes focused on the order of things when they can see the excitement right behind them.
“Is it time yet? Is it time yet?”
“Not yet.”
“Is it time yet? Is it time yet?”
“Not yet. Be patient!”
“Is it time yet? I’m so tired of waiting.”
“Not yet but very soon!”
“When is it going to be ‘soon’?”
“Watch! You see Michael over there? When he starts to move with his family, then we will be next.”
This conversation has been going on since last night. Jared is SO excited! Three days ago the whole camp moved from Shittim to right on the banks of the Jordan river. Yesterday they all purified themselves. Jared didn’t like taking a baths but if it meant they were going to be going across the big river he would gladly take one.
Early this morning, before the sun was even up, Jared’s family had been readying their belongings. They tore down their shelter, stored their cooking pots, rolled their mats, and hurriedly ate their breakfast. Now they sat waiting their turn. They were in the tribe of Benjamin so they were on the western side of the camp. They had to wait until the eastern side, the Levites, and the southern side set out before they could move. They were also on the outside edge of the outside tribe on this side of the camp. They would be among the last of the Benjaminites to set out.
Joshua had called the leaders of the tribes together three days ago and told them that they would be crossing the Jordan in three days. That makes this the day! Jared isn’t the only one who is excited. You can feel the current running through the whole camp! This morning Joshua called for the people to watch as the Ark of the Lord set out. “Watch and see what the Lord will do! As He did for your fathers and Moses, so He will do for you too. The waters of the Jordan will stand in a heap and you will pass through on dry ground! Then you will KNOW that the Lord your God is TRULY with you!”
That was hours ago. Jared had heard the stories of Moses and the people crossing the Red Sea all his life. He had never encountered a large body of water during Israel’s wanderings in the wilderness. He had seen lakes here and there but one could always walk around the lakes. Now they were on the banks of a river so big and fast that its very sound could drowned out the sounds of the camp. Just last night you had to shout to be heard above the roar of the water. Now that sound was missing. The sounds of the camp were all that remained. Jared even had a view of the river from his campsite, last night anyway. The river was nowhere to be seen now. Jared could hardly wait to get to where the river was so he could check out its bed. He and Michael had wondered if the fish would still be there when they ‘crossed over’ with their families. They had wondered what ‘crossing over’ meant too. Being seven there were a LOT of words that they didn’t really understand but they weren’t about to let their younger siblings know this. They had to be the ‘wise ones’ in the eyes of the younger children.
Michael has been as anxious to move out as Jared but he has learned to sit still because of the quick had of his mother. She always notices his movements even before he has a chance to move more than a hair’s breadth and she has a favorite way to reign him back in; his ear. His stick out more than the other children’s and he wonders if this is because she is so fond of grabbing it in discipline. He has been told to watch Kaden for clues to their time to move just as Jared’s mother told him to watch Michael.
FINALLY Kaden rises and helps his mother order his brothers and sisters to move out. Michael looks back at Jared and smiles. He knows Jared is watching him for a sign. He mouths the words ‘my turn next’ to Jared.
Jared and his family are nearing the banks of where the river was running just last night. The sun is not at its highest point of the day yet but it has climbed quite a bit already and Jared is feeling warm from carrying his portion of the family’s provisions. It is his job to carry the bedrolls of the children. He has done this job every time the family moves, at least for the past three years anyway. He is a strong boy and knows how to balance them so he doesn’t trip or drag one side on the ground. He wishes someone else had to carry them today though because he wants to be free to examine the place where the river was.
He wants to touch the ground with his fingers. He wants to poke a stick down into the darker ground to see how far it will go in. He wants to search for shells or fish that might have been left behind. He just wants a little extra time to take in this miracle!
Abigail, Jared’s mother, has always loved that her son is a ‘hands on’ learner. He has always been her most curious child. She wouldn’t be surprised if he was the most curious child in the whole tribe, maybe even in the whole nation of Israel! She sees the wonder in his eyes as they step onto the darker ground where the water has receded. She has her own burden to carry but she reaches out and plucks Jared’s from his back. He looks up in surprise and she smiles at him. “Go ahead. Touch it. You can explore as long as you stay close enough that I can see you as we cross. Just make sure you don’t go near the Ark or get in anyone’s way. Be beside me by the time I reach the other side.”
Jared cannot believe his luck! His mother’s gift will NOT go to waste. He will find a way to thank her tonight. He quickly steps out of line and moves to the where some reeds are growing. He grabs two long reeds that are sturdy. They should be able to penetrate the ground. He wants an extra stick so he can give one to Michael. He has been such a good friend to him. He even helped Jared come up with ideas of what they would look for IF they had the chance. It was Michael’s idea to poke a stick in to see how far down it could go.
Jared takes advantage of EVERY SECOND of his allotted time. He found the ground dry but not baked hard like the ground where they camped. He was able to push his sticks into the ground and even opened up a small hole that held a bit of water. There weren’t any fish lying on the bottom but there were some beautiful rocks. He picked up a couple small ones and pulled a few bits of river grass that were in the middle of the river bed. By the time he meets up with his mother as the family steps onto the other shore he is satisfied with his experiments and brimming with joy!
Jared quickly takes back his burden and begins to tell his mother about what he had learned. He chattered from that moment all the way to their campsite for the night. “Mom the ground was really dry! I touched it! It wasn’t hard or baked but it wasn’t muddy either. I put a little of it into the ends of my belt. Look at these reeds! I pushed them half way down! They are even wet on the bottom. How did the Lord do that? The Lord held the river back but He left the water under it. Did you see any fish? I didn’t. I was hoping I would. What do you think happened to the river? Will the fish be ok? I wish I could talk to a fish and hear what they thought about being stuck in the wall of water. I wish I could have gone to where the water was and looked at it…”
Abagail’s ears were as tired as her back was when they made camp that night but her heart was light. She gave her son an opportunity that few would EVER know. It was worth every second of the extra effort she had to expend to carry his burden. And if she were to be honest with herself, she let Jared do exactly what she wanted to do. To get her hands in and on one of the Lord’s AMAZING miracles. Yes, He gave them the miracle of the manna every morning but this one was a once in a lifetime miracle.
The men who will bring the twelve stones up out of the Jordan wait until the last of the people are across. Once everyone, including any curious children, are safely on the other side, they go back to the place where the priests still wait with the Ark. They are careful not to touch the priests or the Ark, but they dig in the dry ground near their feet. There are many stones that have spent their lives on the bottom of this powerful river. It doesn’t take long for the men to locate twelve stones of considerable size. They are large enough that they must be carried on their shoulders.
Once everyone was safely on the other side, the Lord told Joshua to have the priests cross over too.
“Come up out of the Jordan.” (Joshua 4:17b)
The priests who were carrying the Ark made their way across the river as the people looked on. Once the last of their feet hit the eastern bank of the Jordan, the water rushed back to its place and filled its bed to flood stage again.
The people cheered as they watched the water return to its place. Those in the front of the procession were not able to see it, but they could hear it! The sound of rushing water filled the air again.
Gilgal was the place where the pillar of cloud stopped to rest. The people quickly made camp, including erecting the Tabernacle. It had taken nearly all day to cross the river. Joshua called all the people together to witness the setting up of the 12 stones.
“When your children ask their fathers in times to come, ‘What do these stones mean?’ then you shall let your children know, ‘Israel passed over this Jordan on dry ground.’ For the Lord your God dried up the waters of the Jordan for you until you passed over, as the Lord your God did to the Red Sea, which he dried up for us until we passed over, so that all the peoples of the earth may know that the hand of the Lord is mighty, that you may fear the Lord your God forever.” (Joshua 4:21-24)
This had been an AMAZING day, but there was something VERY important that also HAD to be done this day. This was the 10th of Nissan. Each family must select their lamb for the Passover.
The children went to bed this night thinking of their Passover lamb and how they would love on it for the next few days. Many would still revisit their experience today, but children have a habit of looking forward, and not back, to new adventures.
(to be continued)
OH, how I would have LOVED to poke around in the ground with the children. I would have wanted to see where the water was piled up too. To check out the fish who were stopped still at that point. Was it a wall of water, like it had been during the time of the Red Sea’s crossing? I’m hoping God has some ‘home movies’ of those events that He will show me when I get to Jeaven!
Father God, You are AMAZING! You made Joshua stand out among the people, just as You made Moses do. I want to be used by You in my daily life. I don’t expect ANYTHING on the scale of Moses and Joshua, but knowing that I’m having an impact on your Kingdom is enough. Show me how You would have me do this; even if it is as simple as carrying a stone to be used as a memorial.