Joshua 24:1-13 Re-Recap

Joshua has all of Israel assembled for his last address to them. Joshua reminds them again of all God has accomplished for them.
When we met last Joshua reminded the people their actions dictated their future. THEY had the power to choose to obey God’s Laws and receive His blessings or to turn away and receive the curses promised. Joshua gives a brief overview of all of God’s blessings He has already poured out on them. His aim is to help them choose rightly.
Joshua hits the high points of their travels. He doesn’t dwell on their sins. He doesn’t say why they “lived in the wilderness a long time” (verse 7b). He didn’t dwell on the plan that Balaam hatched that got them in trouble, only that he wound up blessing instead of cursing the people. He doesn’t speak of any of their defeats in battle nor the fact that they don’t fully control the land they were given.
ALL the things Joshua left out were connected to Israel’s sins. But those sins had been forgiven when the people repented. John tells us; “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9). David sings about God’s removing our sins from existence, even from His memory. “As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us” (Psalm 103:12).
Joshua doesn’t dwell on Israel’s sin because God has removed it from them through the shed blood of the sacrifices. They need to remember the lessons learned during those times of sin but not carry the guilt of them anymore. Instead he dwells on the good things God did for His people. The people He called to Himself. The people HE chose. The people He wants to choose Him.
Remember. Remember the blessings. Remember the lessons. Remember the promises. Remember where you came from. Remember who brought you from that place. Remember that He LOVES you. And choose to let those memories guide and propel you into a BEAUTIFUL future with Him.
He laid the foundation of Your life with His blessings. Let Him build your ‘house’ with those same materials. Not every moment of it will be glowing and glorious but what He constructs there will have eternal value. He DOESN’T use ‘prefab homes’ but builds our eternal lives brick by brick, nail by nail. Each blessing and each lesson are woven together to bring beauty that outshines the sun from each of our lives. BUILD ON my Contractor, build on!
Father God, thank You for choosing me. Thank You for removing my sins from Your memory. Thank You for ALL the blessings You have brought into my life. I’m anxious to see where You take me next. I wonder what my final ‘building’ will look like. Thank You for not giving up on me! Remind me along the way too Lord.