Johan 3:6-10 TRUE Repentance

The people were already repenting when they heard Jonah. Now the king hears and calls for TRUE repentance throughout the city.
If Israel or even the city of Samaria had done as the people of Nineveh did, how different would their history have been? Nineveh, the city with MANY gods, heard the word of the Lord and turned their hearts to HIM. They didn’t call out for one of their gods to deliver them from the Lord’s decree. They didn’t make a show of repentance by simply putting on appropriate outward coverings. They whole heartedly repented of their ways and sought God’s favor.
There was NO promise from God, that if they repented, He would relent. Maybe it was in the words Jonah shared from the Lord. However they learned of approaching God with a repentant heart, they did it FULLY. The king’s decree even included ALL the animals. The animals had nothing to repent for, but the king included them to show God their complete surrender to His words. Imagine seeing a herd of cows or sheep wearing sackcloth. That must have been a sight.
The king’s call for repentance included the hearts as well as the outward appearance. The king KNEW that there was more to repentance. “STOP doing evil!!!” The king also KNEW, no matter what they did, they were still at God’s mercy. “Who knows? God may turn and relent” (verse 9a).
I know, I keep hammering this point. But it is the ‘heart’ of the matter. It took a heart AND hands change for God to believe they were truly repentant. And that is what it took for God to show them mercy.
How long did Nineveh’s change last? How long before God answered their prayers? Did Jonah deliver a message of God’s forgiveness? Knowing Jonah’s resentment towards the people of Nineveh, it would have HAD to be a strong directive from God.
You cannot fool God. Israel found out the hard way. Going through the motions means nothing! Only a heart change AND a ‘hands’ change will demonstrate true repentance. And only true repentance results in forgiveness.
God can, and does, forgive us for the same sin more than once. But each time we come to Him it has to be with a truly repentant heart and a desire to change. Sometimes that change takes more than one attempt, and He is ready to help us make those changes. He will bring us to a place, when we let Him, where that particular sin no longer holds our hearts. Only when we give our hearts AND that desire to Him can He bring us to that place of restoration.
Father God, I know I’ve come to You many times with my sins and asked for Your forgiveness. I also know that there have been times I was ‘sorry’ because I got caught, instead of sorry for the pain I caused with my actions. THANK YOU for bringing me to TRUE repentance along the way. THANK YOU for not giving up on me. I don’t want to cause You pain with my actions or intents. I want to bring honor to You in all I do. PLEASE continue working on my heart so that I can one day attain my heart’s desire of ALWAYS honoring You.