Jeremiah 49:34-39 Elam’s Future

Elam’s future is now up for review. They will be a scattered and broken people. But God also promises a return of their fortunes in the end days.
Of course, I had to go to Google to find out about this group of people. One thing I was pretty sure of before setting off on this discovery though was that they were neighbors with Israel. I was partially correct. They are not near neighbors but from the same region. If I’m reading my maps correctly, they are on the other side of Babylon from Israel and Judah. Probably as far away from being neighbors as Egypt was.
Elam is the name of one of Shem’s sons. This makes him a grandson to Noah. This nation is probably his descendants. The line of Abraham and Jesus share Shem but diverge from that point on. Arpachshad is the son of Shem that will eventually result in Abraham, Israel, and ultimately Jesus.
The people of Elam are most notably archers, or so it would seem from our reading today. “Behold, I will Break the bow of Elam, the mainstay of their might” (verse 35b). I don’t know if God’s words here indicate the death or disbursement of the people. God says there won’t be a nation that they don’t run to, but He also says he will “bring disaster upon them” and “will send the sword after them, until I have consumed them” (verse 37). These people might survive in the places they are driven to or they might find disaster pursuing them wherever they go.
So, what did they do that made God so angry with them? For this answer, I turned to my favorite site; Elam would be used twice in Isaiah’s prophecies. Elam would attack Babylon (Isaiah 21) and also Jerusalem (Isaiah 22). I believe the attack on Jerusalem comes first as there are references to the leaders of Jerusalem surrendering without a fight. This happened as Jehoiachin is carried away and Zedekiah is installed by Nebuchadnezzar.
I got to wondering about Elam’s history and I found out quite a bit more in the Jewish Virtual Library website. Elam did indeed attack Babylon twice. The first time was LONG before Babylon became a super power; 1159 B.C.E Elam conquers the city of Babylon itself. Elam joined forces with the Chaldeans to defeat Assyria in the first part of the 600 B.C.E. era but was wiped out by the Assurbanipal forces in 669-627 B.C.E. Neo-Babylonian forces tired to rebuild Elam but failed. When the Persian powers came to be, Elam resurged and became an important part of their dynasty. The seat of power for the Persian empire was even based in Susa; Elam’s capitol city.
I’m assuming that Elam attacked Jerusalem while allied with the Chaldeans. They certainly would have attacked Israel at that juncture. But is it also possible that Isaiah’s prophecies are also pointing to a future time? Could Elam be part of God’s attack on Babylon at the end of the great tribulation time? Babylon will rise again during that time and rule the earth. But they WILL fall! Will Elam play a part in their fall? THAT is for God to know and us to find out someday!
Father God, I like seeing how the ‘pieces’ fit together in Your word. And I LOVE having archeology to prove out the facts of Your word. I know I’m no expert at history or understanding prophecy but I am grateful beyond words when You show me even a little bit of Your handiwork and connect the dots for me. Thank You for spurring on my imagination and curiosity. For pushing me to think beyond the moment, the page, the prophecy, or the past. I am Yours to lead as You see fit Holy Spirit.