Jeremiah 45:1-5 Baruch

God has a special word for Jeremiah’s scribe, Baruch. God’s words as Jeremiah dictated them upset Baruch. But God promised he would spare his life, wherever he went.
God instructed Jeremiah to write down ALL the words He gave him. This was to be a record for those currently in the midst of God’s judgment and for us today. Rather than put pen to paper himself, Jeremiah tasked Baruch with the job. We aren’t told why but we see Baruch’s faithfulness. He even went out and read Jeremiah’s words in the Temple; a place Jeremiah was not allowed to go.
While writing for Jeremiah, Baruch took God’s words to heart. And they were NOT pleasant words. They spoke of judgment for sin for all of Judah. The “sword”, “famine” and “pestilence” figured prominently in these words. Baruch saw himself and his sins and was rightly convicted.
Baruch also saw the future of Judah as bleak. There were no safe ‘investments’ for him. No way to ‘make a name’ for himself with what lay ahead. I don’t know if his comment, that God referenced, was a complaint, conviction, or just thinking out loud but God heard it. And he answered Baruch’s concerns.
“You are NOT going to get rich but I will protect your life, wherever you go.” Notice that God didn’t tell him he wouldn’t face hard times. God didn’t say where he would go either. God simply promised him that HE would spare his life.
This is essentially the same promise God made to Jeremiah. “It’s going to be rough but I have you in the palm of my hands and NO ONE can snatch you away.” Jeremiah faced MANY hard days. Days when his enemies wanted, and tried, to kill him. Days, months, and even years in prison. Days when he was taken in chains to places he didn’t want to be. Days when he was called a liar; and worse.
Baruch was taken in chains by the Chaldeans. He may have faced threats on his life as he read Jeremiah’s words. Baruch was taken to Egypt along with Jeremiah and the rest of those who were left in the land. As Jeremiah’s scribe, he probably had all the ill will directed at Jeremiah flow over onto him.
In ALL this, we don’t see that he quit serving Jeremiah. We have his name in only a few places in scripture and they are all fairly positive. We see him as a true helper for Jeremiah and the Lord. His reward for his faithfulness isn’t silver or gold. It is his life!
God hasn’t promised any of us a smooth life. We WILL face challenges in our lives. We will face physical death too. The physical death is not the end of us. We have LIFE beyond the grave. That is something that Jesus’ life paid for on the cross. Baruch had an eternal future but it wasn’t straight to Heaven with God. It was to Abrahan’s Bosom where he would await the promise of the Messiah.
Thank You Father God for Your promises for my life. A promise for my good; even if it comes after I leave this world. A promise to hold my life in Your hands securely. There is nothing more that I truly need. But thank You for ALL the things You have provided for me in my life. I pray I use them as You would want; including the life You have given me.