Jeremiah 26:1-15 Innocent Blood

God tells Jeremiah to prophecy destruction of the city in the Temple. The people want him dead. They cry for innocent blood to be shed.
We are taking a chronological step backwards today. We have already seen a prophecy God sent through Jeremiah in the fourth year of Jehoiakim. The one we see today is from the beginning of Jehoiakim’s reign. The message is the same though. And the people’s willingness to hear it and obey is the same.
Judah has not yet reached the point of no return; the point of no relenting. God tells Jeremiah to give them another chance. But in his address, God doesn’t stress what will happen if they change but what will happen if they continue on the same path. And the people DON’T like what they hear!
The people are up in arms about Jeremiah’s prophecy. Not because it points out their sin but because God said He would destroy their precious city. The Temple would be like Shiloh; empty of God’s presence. Empty because it was taken elsewhere. The city would be razed to the ground. IF they refused to listen.
This time Jeremiah is surrounded by everyone who was in the Temple that day. Prophets, priests, and the regular people. They all wanted him dead for his words. It’s not just one priest this time having him beaten and put in stocks. His life hangs in the balance.
Enter another group who you would expect to join in the cry for Jeremiah’s life. The officials of the city hear about what is going on and come in to render judgment. They first hear from the people; “This man deserves the sentence of death, because he has prophesied against this city, as you have heard with your own ears” (verse 11b).
Instead of acting on what the people said, the officials wait for Jeremiah’s answer. Jeremiah is bold in this instance and tells them FIRST Who sent him. “The Lord sent me to prophesy against this house and this city all the words you have heard” (verse 12b). Next, Jeremiah tells them the ‘meat’ of the message; “Now therefore mend you ways and your deeds, and obey the voice of the Lord your God” (verse 13a). Then, Jeremiah tells them the ‘why’ of God’s message; “And the Lord will relent of the disaster that He has pronounced against you” (verse 13b). Only after ALL THIS does Jeremiah deal with the threat against his life. “But as for me, behold, I am in your hands. Do with me as seems good and right to you” (verse 14).
If Jeremiah had left it there, he might have been killed. The people were angry over his words. But Jeremiah went one step further. He tied his life to the words God had him speak. “Only know for certain that if you put me to death, you will bring innocent blood upon yourselves and upon this city and its inhabitants, for in truth the Lord sent me to you to speak all these words in your ears” (verse 15). In other words, “Don’t kill the messenger just because you don’t like the message. Deal with the issues in the message instead.”
Jeremiah’s fate was in the hands of the officials; or so they believed. But his life was really in the hands of the Lord. God has proven on MORE than one occasion that He can turn the hearts of the leaders. Jeremiah would have been in MORE danger if he hadn’t delivered God’s word than he appears to be because he delivered it.
We are also called to be God’s hands, feet and voice in this world. But make CERTAIN the message you are delivering is HIS. Don’t add you spin to it. Don’t water it down so others won’t be offended. Speak His truth in love and let HIM do the work from there. God watches over those who are sharing His word. He does NOT promise that no harm will come to them. But He does promise to be with them in whatever they face. He will NOT abandon His children. And He is STRONGER than ANYTHING man or Satan can come up with! Be fearless in the face of adversity for He who is with you is greater than those against you.
Father God, thank You for Your hand of protection. I have never faced anything like Jeremiah did, but You have always been faithful when I have encountered resistance to Your message. Even the person I’m working with now on re-vamping my website is willing to listen with at least half an ear. Thank You that You let me share even a moment with Him. Have Your work in him as he goes through all the words we have shared together.
For those who stumble across our time together God, bless them. Speak healing and strength into their lives. Build their faith and give them strength to stand for You.