Jeremiah 15:10-21 Pity Party

The roads we are called to walk are not always easy. But with God they ARE worth the journey.
Jeremiah is having a pity party. “They HATE me! Why do I have to bring the bad news?” God both scolds and rebuilds Jeremiah’s resolve to do the work.
The first thing we see is Jeremiah’s despair at how he is being treated. “Why did I even have to be born!? All I do is bring anger and resentment. Bad news does not breed good friends.” He is feeling the hate of the people as he brings God’s message of repentance. This is NOT a popular message. And neither is the one of judgment because repentance is absent.
God understands Jeremiah’s position but it is one that is NECESSARY. It is essential that His people recognize their sin, TRULY repent, or recognize where the upcoming judgment is from. God wants there to be NO DOUBT about why they are going to be conquered. “It is MY hand of judgment. Man didn’t do this. I did. BECAUSE YOU REFUSED TO LISTEN!”
Jeremiah’s tune changes a bit. Instead of “why was I even born” he calls out, “Remember me and protect me from what is coming.” He also reaffirms his commitment to God’s words. “Your words were found, and I ate them, and Your words became to me a joy and the delight of my heart, for I am called by Your name, O Lord, God of hosts” (verse 16). Jeremiah also reminds God that he did not partake in the sins Judah is being judged for. He would rather sit by himself than to join in on their sins.
“But IT STILL HURTS God! You promised to protect me but I’m not seeing it.”
“If you will return, I will restore you, and you shall stand before me. If you utter what is precious, and not what is worthless, you shall be my mouth” (verse 19b). In other words, stop bellyaching. Do as I have said and then You can be My voice again. The people AREN’T going to like what you have to say but I will care for you when you say it. “I am with you to save you and deliver you, declares the Lord. I will deliver you our of the hands of the wicked, and redeem you from the grasp of the ruthless” (verses 20b-21).
One thing I noticed that God didn’t say to Jeremiah. He didn’t say, “Poor thing. Let me make this easier for you.” Jeremiah was still going to be hated by the people. Jeremiah was still going to face the same famine that everyone else did. And he was going to be right there when captivity came. BUT God would protect him through ALL these things. God would not let harm come to him. He had a special purpose for Jeremiah and as long as Jeremiah did the work he was called to do, he was safe in God’s hands.
Jeremiah may not like the path that was set before him, but he LOVED the Lord. And that was enough. God never promised easy roads. He promised to walk with us wherever His road takes us. It’s nice to be loved by the masses for our message and our work but it’s no always what God has for us. Some of us will have to be the bearer of bad news. In our world today, speaking the truth about God’s standards is enough to get you on the ‘unpopular’ list. If you love the Lord, IT’S WORTH IT. NOTHING is more important or more rewarding than standing for the Lord. It’s not always easy but it’s BEST.
Father God, help me do what’s BEST at all times. I’m not asking to be that person screaming on the street corner at everyone who passes by about what a sinner they are. What I am asking to do is to live a life that upholds Your statutes and demonstrates Your love to all. My children know my heart and my ‘opinion’ on many things in their lives. May my words ALWAYS convey love when addressing the hard issues. Let my ‘light’ be a beacon for my children and others without being a blinding light that drives people away. Show me how and where to stand for You in all areas of my life.