Isaiah 60:1-22 Shining Light

There is coming a day where Israel will be the shining light that draws all nations to it. Not for their own glory but for God’s. He will be the ONLY light they need.
God is promising Israel a “Forever Future.” It is not a “glorious time” in its history but a future that will never fade. A future with Him as their very center. He will even be the light by which they move about in their day. His glory will eclipse the sun! And every nation will desire to be like Israel.
My bible helps tells me that this will be in the new Jerusalem; where God replaces the sun. Thinking about what I have read elsewhere, this makes sense. But I don’t think ALL of this is set in the day of the new Jerusalem and new Earth. I think the first part, where they are being lifted up as a light on a hill, comes right after the end of the tribulation. It will begin when Jesus returns to rule for 1,000 years.
You don’t have to buy into all that I’m saying, but this is what I’m hearing. The Battle of Armageddon will be a BLOODY battle where ALL the forces against Him will be killed on the field. But not EVERY person who has rejected Jesus will be in that valley. They will be scattered about the earth. Those are the ones who will be drawn to Israel; the city of Jerusalem where Jesus reigns. Those who come to the Lord during the tribulation will also come to Jerusalem with singing and joy. They will join in with Israel as sons and daughters of God.
The glory of God and the blessings being poured out on God’s people will draw attention of the leaders all over the world. They will want those blessings too and will recognize that the ONLY way to receive them is to surrender to Jesus. People will also pour into Jerusalem from all over the earth in search of the peace Jesus offers. No longer will the majority of the world be following Satan. Those who follow Jesus will now be the majority of the population on earth.
This means that there will be some who resist, even after seeing the evidence. Otherwise, there wouldn’t be a need for people to come. This minority will be the ones who will follow Satan once he is released in 1,000 years. Sin will not be wiped from the face of this world until that final battle with Satan.
THEN a new Heaven, a new Earth and a new Jerusalem will be created by God. One that has never known sin. One that will NEVER know sin. For God will be its eternal center and all those who rejected Him will have been judged and sentenced to their eternity. ALL in His time and in His order.
As I said before, you don’t have to agree with me but this makes sense to me. I would love to hear how you see the end unfolding. Where those who will rise up and join Satan after he is released will come from. I am genuinely interested in hearing your thoughts.
Father God, thank You for the glory that lies ahead. I trust Your timing in ALL things. Sometimes I wish I knew more of what to expect. And other times I’m GLAD I’m at least partly in the dark. You give me SO MUCH to ponder with the glimpses in Your word. I wish I was better skilled at understanding all You have for me. THANK YOU that You allow me some glimpses into Your heart in Your word. I’m excitedly awaiting the day when You will show me ALL of Yourself.