Isaiah 55:1-13 It Is FREE

God is calling ALL of us to come feast at His table where it is FREE for any who would come. Noting man has to offer can compare. What are you hungry for?
The first verse in our reading speaks of food and eating. As you have probably guessed, it’s not about human food but spiritual food. God CAN provide physical food when we need it but His table is always set for a serving of spiritual food. At this table, there are no age limits, no income limits, no popularity requirements, or a status requirement. If you are “hungry or thirsty”, come. If you are tired or weary, Come. If you are broken and feel alone, COME. There is room for ALL!
Man is locked in a battle to “improve” himself. It is a battle for more. More of just about anything! And he is chasing it as fast as he can. But these things don’t satisfy. They might be great, for a time, but they will ultimately break and disappoint you. Even the self-improvements we try and do will ultimately fail us. Learning about God and being involved in a personal relationship with His are the ONLY things that will last. The ONLY thing that will breathe life into these dead bones.
God’s feast isn’t for a short time. His table is ALWAYS set and ready to receive of the family. And this invitation is to MORE that just the Jews. It is for ALL mankind. Jew and Gentile are all welcome at His table. BUT there is ONE requirement; belief in His Son Jesus and the work that He completed on the cross for us. Without this, there was not ANY salvation. Without this foundation there is noting to build a relationship with God upon.
God KNOWS what He is doing in this world. He knows what will help us to grow in Him. It may look counterintuitive to us sometimes but, when we follow His leading, things turn our just right in the end. Who would have imagined that forgiving someone would actually bring them to a place of better walking? It works with us and God and it also works with our fellow humans. When we see love extended instead of hate or judgment, it compels us to act in ways that would be worthy of such gifts.
NOTHING God does ‘falls flat’. Not everyone in this world will choose to accept this free gift but the offer isn’t in vain. God’s words ALWAYS accomplish their work. Jesus’ blood is available to ALL, even if not everyone will choose to accept it. It does NOT diminish the power in that blood! There is LIFE CHANGING, SAVING POWEWR in His blood.
THIS is the reason the people can sing and shout for joy! God’s abundant love. A love so GREAT that Jesus poured out His own blood to bring us salvation and forgiveness from sin. A love so great that He allows US to choose to follow Him. And a love so great that He has prepared a place for us in His own home where we will be together forever!
Father God, I want to ‘eat from Your table’. I’m sorry for the times when the cares of the day get in the way and I don’t get to spend time together. Thank You for reminding me yesterday that, even if I didn’t have quiet time to write, I could still read Your love letter to me. Thank You for choosing me and for letting me choose You! I choose YOU always and forever!!! I’ll take that ‘free gift’ and treasure it with ALL my heart. Let me NEVER take for granted ALL You did, from first to last, to make our relationship possible.