Isaiah 33:1-24 Long Road

Isaiah sees a long road ahead for Judah. It starts with the defeat of the destroyer, Assyria, and ends with Jesus ruling over a repentant people. MANY steps in between!
I don’t know at what point in Judah’s journey Isaiah shares this prophecy. Is it before the alliance made with Assyria? Is it while they are a compliant vassal nation? Can it be after they broke the covenant and are under threat of defeat? It most likely isn’t after the attempted siege of Jerusalem. At that point, God had demonstrated His power over Assyria for all to see. Judah wouldn’t have needed reassurance at that point, unless it was for them to KNOW that God would FULLY destroy Assyria in a short time.
The destroyer would be destroyed! But that didn’t make Judah perfect or resolve all her issues. She had personal issues that had to be addressed; her sin. Her “heroes cry in the street, the envoys of peace weep bitterly” (verse 7). Until the people as a whole repented, there would be no peace. God would save them from their upcoming trouble because they had turned back to Him with King Hezekiah but their hearts were stubborn and He KNEW they would turn away again.
One thing that strikes me in all that is brought out, that my bible helps points to, is that some of the laws were unjust or ungodly. I’m thinking that maybe one of those unjust laws was tied to the tribute that was being required from Judah by Assyria. Assyria promised protection AND not to attack Judah, for a fee, and that fee was extracted from the people. Was the balance of who paid those fees unequal? Was the burden heavier on those who couldn’t afford to pay it? King Ahaz set up this system in the first place and King Hezekiah did NOT agree with it. He stopped paying. After a while Assyria decided that they wouldn’t keep their side of the bargain either. Assyria attacked Judah. They demanded payment AND continued to attack anyway. Only God prevented Jerusalem from falling. (We will see that story shortly.)
Back to unjust or ungodly laws. I’m sure most, if not all, nations have had at one time or another ungodly or unjust laws. Mine is certainly NO exception to that rule. Two such categories leap to my mind immediately. Laws on slavery and laws regarding abortion. I know slavery is something that was transpired throughout bible history but I DON’T believe God approves of it. Jesus’ teachings didn’t abolish slavery.
As much as this pains me to say, Jesus did NOT forbid slavery. But He did teach us to love all our neighbors and to treat others as He would; with love. His love was given as freely to the slave as it was to the master. I believe His love even went further than that. He taught that those in authority were to take care of those under their care; NOT abuse them or take advantage of them. He taught that NO MAN was beyond caring for. No. I can’t put chapter and verse to this but I see it in how He interacted with people. He didn’t refuse ANYONE a warm greeting. He didn’t look down on ANYONE for their station in life or even their past.
Paul dealt with an escaped slave in the letter to Philemon. He urged an escaped slave to return to his master and share the truth of salvation that he had received. Paul didn’t demand this of the man as a condition of salvation but requested it out of obedience to the role God had placed him in in life. And GOD paved the way for this returning slave by bringing salvation to his master first. As a brother in Christ, the returning slave would be spared expected punishment.
I believe slavery is ungodly when one person demeans, oppresses, and ultimately destroys another. When laws were enacted in my nation to abolish this practice, I KNOW it was a step in the right direction; towards God’s love. The earlier laws that allowed such things were justified by man’s law but unjust by God’s. Forms of slavery still exist in many places, including sex trades. Many children fall into the hands of such ruthless people every day. GOD will repay them for their sins!!!
The second group of laws that came to my mind dealt with abortion; the deliberate death of an unborn child. It has taken MANY decades for the original law to be struck down in my country, but that wasn’t done on the basis of it being “ungodly or unjust”. It had to do with how it was worded! Since that law was abolished, many stated have taken up the fight and call all abortion illegal while others still allow it. I’ve heard tell of one state that has gone so far as to say that any woman who has a miscarriage is guilty of abortion and can be charged if any cause is found on her part for the death of her child. This may be carrying things a bit too far. At the very least, the “partial birth abortion” bills have been stopped in their tracks. God will repay for these sins as well!!!
Just because something is “lawful” of “legal” does not make it always right! GOD’S laws are just and true. They are loving and fair. Don’t let man’s laws bring you in conflict with God’s laws. IF it is a choice to obey God or man arises, choose God. His laws are eternal as well as His consequences.
One day there will be NO ungodly or unjust laws. That is when Jesus is ruling this world. His laws are ALL just and filled with love. His laws will bring healing instead of division. And I firmly believe there will be no slavery in His kingdom.
Father God, help me see the truth behind the laws I am called to obey by my government. Show me which I need to stand against and help change. Thank You for the changes in the areas You brought to my mind today. I KNOW there are MANY new laws today that are just as ungodly, if not more so! I KNOW this is Satan’s hand at work and exactly as You said it would be in the last days. The ONLY thing that gives me comfort and hope is KNOWING that YOU are STILL in control! This too is part of Your plan. And that plan comes with a MAGNIFICENT ending!!! Satan will NOT stand! I’ve read the back of the book and YOU WIN!!! This is NOT an overnight process, but I KNOW the final result of this LONG ROAD.