Isaiah 19:16-25 Blessings!

Isaiah is still continuing with his prophecies regarding the nations. This one is about blessings for the very people who were being cursed. They turn to God!!!
I was very surprised to see God proclaiming blessings for Egypt and Assyria, especially after just announcing the hard times ahead for them. Notice here that God does NOT include Babylon in His blessings prophecies. The fact that He includes Israel isn’t a surprise as He speaks of restoring them often.
Egypt and Assyria aren’t given blessings ‘just because’; instead, they are blessed because they turn to the ONE TRUE God! They set aside their idols and seek deliverance from God. I wonder if it is because they have watched their idols fail again, and again. Or maybe they are disillusioned with their Pharaoh and the advice he is getting. We saw in the previous reading that their pharaoh would be listening to “stupid counsel” and acting foolishly. Somehow or another, a light will shine through and they will seek the Lord.
Egypt’s turning to God is a little like the story of Nineveh. But Nineveh avoided punishment because they turned to God. I believe Egypt will turn to God AFTER their punishment. And it will be a ‘grass roots’ movement, not one done from the top down. The leaders are not specifically mentioned as the driving force behind this change but there will be and altar and pillars made to the Lord so the leadership must be involved somehow.
The word of the Lord will flow out of Egypt into the surrounding people too. Assyria will come to worship the Lord because of the influence and change in Egypt. ALL will have started, though, because of God’s hand at that time on Judah. A MIGHTY demonstration of God’s love for Judah and a fear of them will start this revival.
Another interesting point is that they will all be speaking the same language; Assyria, Egypt and Israel. There will be no language barrier keeping them from understanding one another. No miscommunication.
The MOST amazing and comforting part is that GOD calls Egypt “My people and Assyria the work of my hands and Israel My inheritance” (verse 25b). These lands who were enemies of His people and oppressed them are now HIS. The WHOLE EARTH is HIS! For He SO LOVED THE WORLD that He gave His ONLY begotten Son” (John 3:16a) so EVERYONE would have an opportunity to be His people. Looking at this prophecy, we see that He doesn’t stop on a personal level but also binds His individual people together on a national level so they can reach even more in His name. And He even blesses the very people He used as rods of discipline at one time on His inheritance. NO ONE is beyond His love!
Father God, thank You for loving me enough to send Jesus! I’m not a part of the nations mentioned today but I am still Your child; Your handiwork. Thank You that You were, and still are, willing to do whatever it takes to bring me to You. I TRUST YOU with my children and grandchildren, that You are willing to do just as much to bring them to You. They are in Your hands Father. Bring them to You as surely as You will bring Egypt and Assyria to You. NO false god can stop Your hand!!!